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I have found it advantageous first to search for a 'global' pattern before each (or most) of the glyphs are scrutinized. Here we have 9 'persons' (not glyphs, because they vary in number between the texts H / P / Q). Is this a sign of the underworld, like in Xibalba?

Notable is 'person' no. 2 in H:

Clearly he is a sun-cat, not only has he a round head but also a head with mouth open. And look at his left side! Is that not the cat's arched back?

I remember from Thursday, that backs can be straight or bent. The straight back should represent henua and the bent back the transit stage from one henua to the next.

Is the sun-cat receiving the 'relay staff of time' from the 1st 'person'? He is evidently still in the dark because of Y.

And are not all these 9 'persons' handling the time over to the next one? Perhaps not all, but the sign of the outwards oriented hand, 'giving away', is there at different locations.