What I have defined as 1a, the text at the beginning of what I have decided to regard - at least as a first guess - as a calendar of the Pleiades year, is special: It is not clear where 1a should begin. The rest of the texts in the 'a' group are defined by the preceeding 'c'-texts and the following 'b'-texts, but in 1a we have a problem. We have no preceding 'c'-text.

1b could start with the glyph I here have included as the last glyph in 1a. But I believe 1b starts after this glyph. It seems to belong to 1a because it looks similar to most of the other glyphs in 1a.

The glyph which I have (as a first guess) established as the first glyph in 1a is characterized by all three rongorongo tablets having this glyph with head turned sideways. I believe this is a sign that here something starts. But certainly there are signs indicating that the story starts much earlier than that. However I cannot find any better point to start at than this. Everything is preceded by something else, I think.

Of the six similar-looking glyphs which I have discussed earlier, the first one is then located before 1a. And in P there is a sign in the form of a 'hook' also suggesting a sense of belonging together, excluding the first of the six glyphs:

Pb5-5 Pb5-7 Pb5-10 Pb5-13 Pb5-15
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