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There are 4 clear examples in Tahua of GD33, viz. Aa5-7, Aa8-26, Ab1-1 and Ab7-26:


Although quite similar they are nevertheless not exactly alike. Ab1-1 is harmoniously drawn, but shorter than Ab7-26. Aa8-26 has a thick bottom 'tail' end, whereas Ab7-26 contrariwise has a thick upper 'tail' end. Aa5-7 and Aa8-26 are drawn as if deformed.

A special case is Aa8-46; quite different though yet obviously belonging to GD33:

GD33 appers combined with GD17, e.g. in Aa8-65 and Aa7-58:


Having established this fact, we then have to decide about Ab8-60 and Ab8-63:


Influenced by Aa8-65 and Aa7-58 I must unavoidably classify also these two glyphs as alluding to GD33 (especially as they all are written close together in the text).

GD33 oriented horizontally may appear in other combined glyphs too, for instance in Ab7-79 and Aa6-31:


Furthermore, GD75 normally is combined with the sign of GD33, e.g. in Ab2-42:

For practical reasons, though, I have not included such combinations also under GD33.

There remains a few glyphs to discuss. First we have Aa5-77:

I imagine that the upper part may suggest GD33 and have therefore included Aa5-77 as a case of GD33 (in addition to GD28, GD32 and GD35).

Then we have Aa5-41:

Here also we have at left GD28. We can see that Aa5-41 is located between Aa5-7 and Aa5-77 which we earlier (see above) have classified as GD33. Therefore I will classify Aa5-41 too as showing the traits of GD33.

At last we have the peculiar Ab4-21:

Although the right upper part of the glyph earlier has persuaded me to include this glyph under GD24 that cannot be an obstacle for now classifying the same feature as the upper part of GD33. It must be allowed to have the same glyph under different GD not only because of different signs but also due to the same sign. A sign may be ambivalent.

The wavy form of GD33 may be suggested in the wavy wing variant of GD11, e.g. as seen in Ab8-14:

But that has not persuaded me to include Ab8-14 (and other wavy wing glyphs) also under GD33. Similarly, there are GD11 glyphs which appear to have a wavy leg-like form, e.g. Ab1-5 (not far from Ab1-1 - see above):

But they are not included also under GD33. Both the wavy wing and the wavy leg may equally well be signs of GD57. Therefore I have included hyperlinks from GD33 to both GD57 and GD29. I have also included a hyperlink as a reference to GD11 so that the user quickly may find these wavy forms of wing and leg.

Aa3-43 (GD15):

will not be found that way, however, and therefore it is included also as an example of GD33.


From trying to read the Tahua text I have arrived at the conclusion that we should consider Aa1-1 (GD42) and Aa5-17 (GD26) as the two parts of a split up GD33:



Aruku Kurenga (B)

To begin with the obvious glyphs we have Bb9-16 and the right part of the twins Bb11-32--33:


A few less obvious, yet unquestionably belonging to GD33, are Ba3-18 and Ba4-7:


Even less obvious are Bb2-36 and Bb8-5:


Still, I have included them as alluding to GD33. However, we cannot go farther, because then we will arrive to GD29, for example Bb8-33:

Ba6-5 and Bb9-18 may allude to GD33:


Following the decision taken while examining Tahua (see earlier above) I have to classify also the following glyphs as GD33 (in addition to GD15), viz. Ba5-8, Ba8-32, Ba9-19, Bb1-2--3, and Bb3-15:


A special case (also included and also GD15) is Bb12-8:

The strange triplet Ba8-25, Ba8-28 and Ba8-31 are also included as alluding to GD33 (though otherwise presumably examples of GD42):


Then remains a few odd glyphs in combination with GD22 (Ba5-15 and Bb4-3), GD52 (Bb7-15) and GD18-GD19 (Bb11-33--34) 



Mamari (C)

Ca3-19 is undoubtedly belonging to GD33:

The other examples in Mamari are not so clear, for example Ca13-9 (GD46+GD33+GD24):

Just two more glyphs then remains to mention: the strange Cb2-25 and Cb11-6:


However, a hyperlink leads to GD83 where probably other glyphs may contain allusions to GD33, e.g. Cb5-3:


Échancrée (D)

Da2-103 looks similar to Aa8-46 and Ca3-19:


Db3-111 (across the 'chest' of GD17) has a curious head:


Keiti (E)

Ea6-22 (GD62) has a typical GD33 bottom part, and as there is no hyperlink to GD62 the glyph is included also as GD33:

Eb7-39 (GD71) has also a GD33 bottom part (though oriented the other way):