3. The first lunar station, Ashvini, is connected with 2 stars, Mesarthim and Sheratan: ![]()
... [It] has been called the First Star in Aries, as at one time nearest to the equinoctial point. Its present title, Mesarthim, or Mesartim, has been connected with the Hebrew Mεshārεtim, Ministers, but the connection is not apparent; and Ideler considered the word an erroneous deduction by Bayer from the name of the lunar station of which this and β were members ... ... Sharatan and Sheratan are from Al Sharatain, the dual form of Al Sharat, a Sign, referring to this and γ, the third star in the head, as a sign of the opening year; β having marked the vernal equinox in the days of Hipparchos, about the time when these stars were named. Bayer's Sartai is from this dual word ... ... β and γ constituted the 27th 'nakshatra' Açvini, the Ashwins, or Horsemen, the earlier dual Açvināu and Açvayujāu, the Two Horsemen, corresponding to the Gemini of Rome, but figured as a Horse's Head. ![]() Ashvini was the wife of the Ashvins according to Wikipedia. The Ashvini stars are located close to the end of the 1st month beyond spring equinox north of the equator and notably they rise together with e.g. Polaris:
At vaha mea in Gb7-25 (a Saturn-day) we can count 72 * 5 = 360, which probably is meant to be Sign. From there to winter solstice there are 64 days (= 500 - 436) and 36 + 28 = 64:
According to the Tahitian view Polaris was the 10th and last star pillar (Ana-nia, the Pillar-to-fish-by). Also in the structure of G its position is close to the end, and a fish there is in Gb7-26. We can count 72 * 6 = 432 which possibly points at Achernar where the same type of fish is drawn: