1. Time to move on. The 11th hour counted from equinox is the first half of the 9th month counted from solstice (winter north of the equator, summer south of the equator). On Easter Island spring equinox comes in September, the 9th month of our calendar. Counting in right ascension hours (from spring equinox north of the equator) means counting in half-months from autumn equinox on Easter Island. The 11th right ascension hour is therefore beginning after the end of 5 months counted from autumn equinox.

0h 6h 12h 18h 24h
March (3) June (6) September (9) December (12) March (15)
spring equinox summer solstice autumn equinox winter solstice spring equinox
autumn equinox winter solstice spring equinox summer solstice autumn equinox

The 11th hour is beginning in the 2nd half of August. March 21 + 5 months = ca August 21, and 10 / 24 * 365¼ = 152 = ca 5 months. The 11th hour is the first half of the month before spring equinox.

My astronomy book has the following 7 stars in the 11th hour:

The 11th hour:


α Leonis 1.36 12° 13′ N 10h 06m 153.7 561.7


ζ Leonis 3.43 23° 40′ N 10h 14m 155.7 563.7

Tania Borealis

λ Ursa Majoris 3.45 43° 10′ N 10h 14m 155.7 563.7


γ Leonis 2.01 20° 06′ N 10h 17m 156.5 564.5

Tania Australis

μ Ursa Majoris 3.06 41° 45′ N 10h 19m 157.0 565.0


α Crateris 4.08 18° 02′ S 10h 57m 166.6 574.6


β Ursa Majoris 2.34 56° 39′ N 10h 59m 167.2 575.2

The primary constellation in the 11th hour surely is Leo.

Its α star is Regulus which is located very close to the ecliptic path of Sun, and we can see it must be the front paw of the Lion:

About (12h - 10h) / 24h * 26000 = 2200 years in the future Regulus will be at spring equinox south of the quator. About 13000 - 2200 = 10800 years ago it was at spring equinox north of the equator (with its front paw above the ecliptic in both cases).