5. Yet, we must look earlier to find our 'cornerstones', β and ε Carinae (from where there are 100 days to 6 * 29½ = 177):
period 4 |
Ga3-17 (77) |
Ga3-18 (*142) |
Ga3-19 |
Miaplacidus (140.3), Tureis (140.8) |
heuheu |
Al Minhar al Asad (142.6) |
The nose of the Lion is located 59 (= 2 * 29½) days beyond Ga1-19 and 52 days beyond the Lord of Created Beings (Ga1-26):
Ga1-17 |
Ga1-18 |
Ga1-19 (492) |
Ga1-20 |
Ga1-21 |
Bellatrix, Saif al Jabbar (489.7), Elnath (489.9) |
Nihal (490.7) |
Mintaka (491.4), ε Columbae (491.6), Arneb (492.0) |
Heka (492.2), Hatysa (492.5), ε Columbae, Alnilam (492.7), Heavenly Gate (493.0) |
Alnitak, Phakt (Phaet), (493.7) |
'Pyramid of Menkaure' |
'Pyramid of Khafre' |
'Pyramid of Khufu' |
The Hem |
The Twin Pyramids |
Ga1-22 |
Ga1-23 |
Ga1-24 |
Ga1-25 |
Ga1-26 (499) |
γ Leporis (494.9) |
Saiph (495.5), ζ Leporis (495.6) |
Wezn (496.6), δ Leporis (496.7) |
χ¹ Orionis, Betelgeuze (497.3), η Columbae, η Leporis (498.0) |
Praja-pāti, Menkalinan, γ Columbae, and Mahashim (498.3) |
From Ga1-19 to Ga1-26 - both Moon-days - there is a week and similarly there is a week from Procyon to Naos - both are Mars-days:
Ga2-21 (52) |
Ga2-22 |
Ga2-23 |
Ga2-24 |
Ga2-25 (*120) |
Ga2-26 |
Markab (115.7), Procyon (115.9) |
σ Gemini (116.7) |
Pollux (117.2) |
Azmidiske (118.4) |
χ Carinae (120.9) |
Rogo |
Mauri |
Mutu |
Ga2-27 (*122) |
Ga2-28 |
Ga2-29 (60) |
ω Cancri (121.4) |
Naos (122.3) |
Heap of Fuel (123.1) |
Sand is returned to the beach from the sea. |
However, from Praja-pāti to χ Carinae (a Sun-day) there are 30 days. Perhaps the designs of this pair of glyphs should be interpreted together. Maybe the viri sign at bottom in Ga1-26 develops into a variant of ua (or rather a rainbow sign):
29 |
Ga1-26 (499) |
Ga2-26 (529) |
The following Rei (at ω Cancri, the first star in Cancer) marks the beginning of the 9th hour whereas Rei in Ga1-30 preceds Canopus:
Ga1-27 (*92) |
Ga1-28 |
Ga1-29 (30) |
μ (91.3), χ² Orionis (91.5) |
ν Orionis (92.4) |
ξ Orionis (93.5) |
Ga1-30 |
Ga2-1 |
Ga2-2 (505) |
Ga2-3 |
Ga2-4 |
Ga2-5 (*100) |
Tejat Prior (94.4), κ Aurigae (94.6) |
Furud (95.9) |
Tejat Posterior, Mirzam (96.4), Canopus (96.6), ψ1 Aurigae (96.9) |
Ga2-6 |
Ga2-7 |
Ga2-8 |
Ga2-9 |
Ga2-10 (*105) |
ν Puppis (100.2), ψ3 Aurigae (100.4), ψ2 Aurigae (100.5) |
ψ4 Aurigae (101.5), Mebsuta (101.7) |
Sirius (102.2), ψ5 Aurigae (102.4), ψ6 Aurigae (102.7) |
τ Puppis (103.2), ψ7 Aurigae (103.4) |
ψ8 Aurigae (104.2), Alhena (104.8), ψ9 Aurigae (104.9) |
Ga2-11 (42) |
Adara (105.8) |
Ga2-12 (*107) |
Ga2-13 |
Ga2-14 (45) |
Ga2-15 |
Ga2-16 |
Ga2-17 |
ω Gemini (106.4), Muliphein (106.8) |
Wezen (108.1) |
Wasat (110.8) |
Ga2-18 |
Ga2-19 (*114) |
Ga2-20 |
Aludra (112.1), Gomeisa (112.6) |
ρ Gemini (113.1) |
Castor (114.4) |
Ga2-21 (52) |
Ga2-22 |
Ga2-23 |
Ga2-24 |
Ga2-25 (*120) |
Ga2-26 |
Markab (115.7), Procyon (115.9) |
σ Gemini (116.7) |
Pollux (117.2) |
Azmidiske (118.4) |
χ Carinae (120.9) |
Rogo |
Mauri |
Mutu |
Ga2-27 (*122) |
Ga2-28 |
Ga2-29 (60) |
ω Cancri (121.4) |
Naos (122.3) |
Heap of Fuel (123.1) |
Sand is returned to the beach from the sea. |
Possibly we should regard the Rei type of glyph as a kind of determinant, telling the reader that the following glyph belongs in Argo Navis: