2. The glyph type heuheu seems to be a presentation of a pair of birds uniting (not untying):


If not the position in the G text had said otherwise I would have guessed a position at summer solstice and in the center of the Gemini constellation (e.g. at ω Gemini). But from there to Ga3-18 there are 78 - 42 = 36 days.

period 4
Ga3-17 (77) Ga3-18 Ga3-19 (*143)
Tureis (140.8) Al Minhar al Asad (142.6) Alphard (143.3)

And Alphard is not at Ga3-18 but in the position 'one more'. Considering period number 4 as 'one more' than 3 - perhaps alluding to a dark last quarter - we can imagine 3 planets (Venus, Saturn, and Sun) illustrating what happens behind the dark cloth.

Perhaps the Tahitian star pillar list was constructed at a time when Alphard rose 1 day earlier. If so, then we might be able to discern a difference with 1 day (compared to our present right ascension values) also for other prominent stars. For instance would Betelgeuze be at glyph number 24 instead of at atariki in Ga1-24:

Ana-varu (?)
Ga1-23 (24) Ga1-24 (*89) Ga1-25 (498)
Saiph (495.5) Wezn (496.6), χ¹ Orionis,  Betelgeuze (497.3) Praja-pāti, Menkalinan, and Mahashim (498.3), γ and η Columbae

The illustration in Ga1-23 indeed could show how the path of Sun is leading down into the River.

I think it is improbable that there should be a difference in 1 day between the positions of the star pillars in the Tahitian list and the structure in the mind of the creater of the G text. Therefore we should instead consider counting with Gb6-25 (Saturn) as day number 1. This would eliminate the problem of the position of Sirrah:

Sirrah (?) 63 23 Ana-varu (?)
Gb6-25 (408) Gb6-26 Ga1-23 Ga1-24 Ga1-25 (498)
α Andromedae, β Cassiopeiae (1.5) Betelgeuze (497.3) Praja-pāti, Menkalinan, and Mahashim (498.3), γ and η Columbae

497.3 - 407 = 90.3 and 498.3 - 407 = 91.3. The Lord of Created Beings (Praja-pāti, δ Aurigae) should be at a cardinal point and 4 * 91.3 = 365.2 - which is very close to the length of the solar year.

Thus I think we have 'proven' that Alphard (Ana-heu-heu-po) is referred to in Ga3-18.

The 'nose of the Lion' (Al Minhar al Asad, κ Leonis) can be regarded as rising in the same day:

period 4
Ga3-17 (77) Ga3-18 Ga3-19
Tureis (140.8) Al Minhar al Asad (142.6), Alphard (143.3)

142.6 - 65 = 77.6. Tureis on the other hand should be relocated to the end of period 3, because 77 + 65 = 142.

However, I will not go back and change everywhere I have documented numbers constructed by adding 64 and preceded by *. It is quite enough to keep the new perspective in our minds.