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5. After this cosmic detour we will now return to the Rain God. The 6th figure is wading in water:

Instead of the stick of 'the planter' he holds a water lily (naab) in front of him. This information is given by Kelley, who also points out that another meaning of the Yucatec word naab is ocean.

By the way, it is possible to see that the stick of 'the planter' is reversed at the back of the Rain God, when he is sitting down in his earth cave. Not only is his stick at the back side instead of in front, but the stick itself is also drawn reversed, and the thicker part of it has been transformed into earth. The stick has 2 layers (like the Sun 'egg' after 'midnight'), and the broader of them evolves into earth.

Earth (the time of 'ebb') is followed by Water (the time of 'flood'). At first the Rain God is moving in a canoe across the waters (high up in the sky), then he is in midair, and then he reaches ground level. After these descending steps Sun climbs upwards again, reaching the top of the 'tree' (climax) at midsummer, followed by a sudden drop not to the ground but into the earth. Even further down there will be water, because water moves downwards and accumulates there.

If we count the 'tree' as the continuation of the 'stick', then the stick has 3 phases: