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7. The kuhane then left the 3 islets and went ashore on the mainland below Rano Kao:

The dream soul of Hau Maka continued her journey and went ashore on the (actual Easter) Island. The dream soul saw the fish Mahore, who was in a (water) hole to spawn (?), and she named the place 'Pu Mahore A Hau Maka O Hiva'.

The dream soul of Hau Maka evidently had an important business in naming the places which she encountered when flying over the island.

A dream soul is similar to a bird, and possibly the manu rere glyph type (or some variant of it) was used in the rongorongo texts in order to denote a kuhane. Maybe the variant of manu rere with a beak like the prow of a canoe (rather than the normal beak formed like a toki) represents Moon and thus indirectly also a kuhane:

manu rere Eb7-6

In the name given, Pu Mahore A Hau Maka O Hiva, the standard expression A Hau Maka O Hiva can be translated a 'belongs to Hau Maka in Hiva'.


Name of the country from where, according to tradition, came the Polynesian immigration of Hotu Matu'a; nowadays, this name designates any continent or foreign country: tagata Hiva, foreigner, person from the mainland.

Strange, alien, foreign; a stranger; kuhane hiva, Holy Ghost; hakahiva: mata hakahiva, to look back (? hakahira). Mq., Mgv.: hiva, iva, a stranger, a person from another district or country. Pau.: pure-hiva, a butterfly.

H.: 1. Entirely black, as of pigs offered to the gods, a desirable blackness contrasting with uli and 'ele'ele, which have pejorative connotations. 2. Choice.  3. A term qualifying coconuts and kava. Polo hiwa, dark, glistening black, as clouds or tapa. Ua hala i ke ao polohiwa a Kāne, passed to the dark clouds of Kāne (death). Hiwa hiwa, precious, beloved, esteemed, petted, darling, indulged; favorite. Ka Mesia, ka hiwahiwa a ke Akua, the Messiah, the chosen of God. Ho'o hiwa hiwa to honor, adorn, decorate; to display, as the flag; to treat as a favorite; festive. He mea ho'ohiwahiwa i ke akua, a thing to honor the gods. 'O ka mea ho'ohiwahiwa i kāna kauā mai kona wā 'u'uku mai, he who delicately brings up his servant from his childhood.