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1. So far I have for various reasons tried to avoid using mythic material from Easter Island. For a basic understanding of the signs used in the rongorongo texts it is not necessary. Instead I have proposed there once upon a time was a common vocabulary of signs coexisting with a fundamental structure of myths which reinforced them.

Furthermore, I have also implied this 'package of thoughts and ideas' survived up to modern times on Easter Island. Although it is a remote spot in the vast ocean it was never quite isolated from the rest of Polynesia nor from the American continent. Indirectly it was therefore connected to the rest of the world, the Polynesians were great navigators and so were the inhabitants of the coastal area of the New World. Mankind is a single species with common cultural roots.

On the other hand, it is not necessary to rely on a dispersion of thoughts and ideas carried by peoples in order to explain the evident parallels. Such can be explained also by common experiences. For instance gravitation, the paths of the stars above, the fire on the hearth, and - most important of all - the wonderful growths of life, should be quite enough of a ground for common ideas. Common perceptions lead to common ideas.

From the invention of the telescope - and the series of the following similar instruments, e.g. the microscope - thinking man lost interest in what was just in front of him. Over the millenia his predecessors had built up a coherent model of the world closest to man, the mesocosm, but modern man turned his head in another direction and tried instead to build a model based on the world opened up for his eyes by the new toys.

Unavoidably the effect of lost interest for the old together with discoveries revealed by the new instruments combined to disintegrate the beautiful old web. The destruction was caused by a revolution in thought brought about with the advance of the industrial mechanical age. The much earlier agricultural revolution had been equally radical, but it happened at a slower pace which made it possible to integrate the new ideas with the old. Nowadays, however, agriculture (the 'root' of the old mesocosmic web) has come to be regarded as just another branch of industry. It is no longer thought of as the necessary means for a life of plenty.