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2. The stars λ, ο¹, ο², and π, Centauri are located on the rump of the horse.

Dubhe 11h 03m 43.84s 11h 03.731m 167.7
π 11h 21m 00.44s 11h 21.007m 173.0
ο¹ 11h 31m 46.07s 11h 31.768m 174.8
ο² 11h 31m 48.81s 11h 31.814m 175.8
λ 11h 35m 46.93s 11h 35.782m 175.8

12th hour:


α Ursa Majoris 1.81 62° 01′ N 11h 01m 167.7 575.7

Al Sharas

β Crateris 4.46 18° 18′ S 11h 09m 169.6 577.6


δ Leonis 2.56 20° 48′ N 11h 11m 170.2 578.2


θ Leonis 3.33 15° 42′ N 11h 12m 170.4 578.4

Alula Australe

ξ Ursa Majoris 3.79 31° 49′ N 11h 16m 171.5 579.5

Alula Boreale

ν Ursa Majoris 3.49 33° 22′ N 11h 16m


δ Crateris 3.56 14° 47′ S 11h 17m 171.6 579.6


λ Crateris 5.08 18° 47′ S 11h 20m 172.6 580.6


ε Crateris 4.81 10° 52′ S 11h 22m 172.9 580.9


γ Crateris 4.06 17° 41′ S 11h 22m 173.0 581.0
  π Centauri 3.90 54° 29′ S


κ Crateris 5.93 12° 21′ S 11h 24m 173.5 581.5
  ο¹ Centauri 5.07 59° 27′ S 11h 29m 174.8 582.8
  ξ Hydrae 3.54 31° 51′ S 11h 31m 175.3 583.3
  ο² Centauri 5.12 59° 31′ S 11h 33m 175.8 583.8
  λ Centauri 3.11 63° 01′ S


θ Crateris 4.70 09° 48′ S 11h 34m 176.0 584.0
  ω Virginis 5.24 08° 08′ N 11h 35m 176.3 584.3


ι Crateris 5.48 13° 12′ S 11h 36m 176.5 584.5
  ο Hydrae 4.70 34° 45′ S 11h 38m 177.1 585.1


ζ Crateris 4.71 18° 21′ S 11h 42m 178.0 586.0
  ξ Virginis 4.84 08° 15′ N
  λ Muscae 3.68 66° 44′ S 11h 42m 178.1 586.1
  ν Virginis 4.04 06° 32′ N 11h 43m 178.2 586.2
  μ Muscae 4.75 66° 49′ S 11h 45m 178.8 586.8
  93 Leonis 4.50 20° 13′ N 11h 46m 179.0 587.0


β Leonis 2.14 14° 51′ N 11h 47m 179.3 587.3


β Virginis 3.59 02° 03′ N 11h 48m 179.6 587.6


γ Ursa Majoris 2.41 53° 58′ N 11h 51m 180.3 588.3
  β Hydrae 4.29 33° 54′ S 11h 53m 180.9 588.9


η Crateris 5.17 17° 09′ S
  π Virginis 4.65 06° 37′ N 11h 58m 182.0 590.0
Ga4-16 (100) Ga4-17 Ga4-18 Ga4-19 (*167)
ν Hydrae (164.1)     Alkes (166.6), Merak (167.2)
Nga Tavake A Te Rona September 2 3 11h = 167.4
Ga4-20 (104) Ga4-21 Ga4-22 (*170) Ga4-23 Ga4-24 (108)
Dubhe (167.7)    Al Sharas (169.7), Zosma (170.2), Coxa (170.4)   Alula (171.5), Labrum (171.6)
September 5 (248) 6 7 8 9
Ga4-25 Ga4-26 Ga4-27 Ga5-1 Ga5-2 (*177) Ga5-3 (114)
λ Crateris (172.6), ε Crateris (172.9), π Centauri, γ Crateris (173.0) κ Crateris (173.5)  ο¹ Centauri (174.8), ξ Hydrae (175.3) ο², λ Centauri (175.8), θ Crateris (176.0), ω Virginis (176.3) ι Crateris (176.5), ο Hydrae (177.1)  ζ Crateris, ξ Virginis (178.0), λ Muscae (178.1), ν Virginis (178.2)
September 10 11 12 13 (256) 14 15
Ga5-4 (*179) Ga5-5 (116) Ga5-6 Ga5-7 (590)
μ Muscae (178.8), 93 Leonis (179.0), Denebola (179.3) Alaraph (179.6), Phekda, β Hydrae (180.3) η Crateris (180.9) π Virginis (182.0)
September 16 17 (260) 18 12h = 182.6

The one who replaced Kuukuu was Nga Tavake (where nga probably indicates plural) and I have inserted his (their) name at September 1. This date lies 72 days beyond the solstice and 36 days beyond ο Ursa Majoris - at the beginning of what we could say is the season of the Beehive. There is evidently a connection between manu rere in Ga3-6 and manu rere in Ga4-16:

Ga3-4 (**36) Ga3-5 Ga3-6 (*130) Ga3-7 Ga3-8 (68)
 ο Ursa Majoris (128.4) θ Cancri (129.2) η Cancri (129.5) π¹ Ursa Majoris and δ Hydrae  (130.6), Al Minhar al Shujā and Museida (130.9), Beehive (131.4) Ascellus Borealis (131.9), η Hydrae (132.0), Ascellus Australis (132.4)
July 27 (208) 28 29 30 31

The Eighth Land:

"On the first day of the month of September ('Hora Nui') they went up to the yam plantation of Kuukuu ..."

... After naming the topographical features of Easter Island with names from their land of origin, the emissaries went from the west coast up to the rim of the crater Rano Kau, where Kuukuu had started a yam plantation some time earlier. After they had departed from Pu Pakakina they reached Vai Marama and met a man. Ira asked, 'How many are you?' He answered, 'There are two of us.' Ira continued asking, 'Where is he (the other)?'

To that he answered, 'The one died.' Again Ira asked, 'Who has died?' He replied, 'That was Te Ohiro A Te Runu.' Ira asked anew, 'And who are your?' He answered, 'Nga Tavake A Te Rona.' (E:46) After this, the emissaries and Nga Tavake went to the yam plantation ...

September is not beginning with Dubhe but 4 nights earlier, reminiscent of how they on Hawaii seems to have counted the last 4 nights in a month as the beginning of the following month (cfr Fishing Up Land).

"Tavake is the general Polynesian name for the tropic bird, whose red tail feathers were very popular. This name is closely connected with the original population." (The Eighth Land)

"The Red-tailed Tropicbird, Phaethon rubricauda, is a seabird that nests across the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the rarest of the tropicbirds, yet is still a widespread bird that is not considered threatened. It nests in colonies on oceanic islands. The Red-tailed Tropicbird looks like a stout tern, and hence closely resembles the other two tropicbird species. It has generally white plumage, often with a pink tinge, a black crescent around the eye and a thin red tail feather. It has a bright red bill and black feet ...

When breeding they mainly choose coral atolls with low shrubs, nesting underneath them (or occasionally in limestone cavities). They feed offshore away from land, singly rather than in flocks. They are plunge-divers that feed on fish, mostly flying fish, and squid." (Wikipedia)

There could be an allusion to the Centaurus constellation and the 15th hour:


Preposed plural marker of rare usage. 1. Sometimes used with a few nouns denoting human beings, more often omitted. Te ga vī'e, te ga poki, the women and the children. Ga rauhiva twins. 2. Used with some proper names. Ga Vaka, Alpha and Beta Centauri (lit. Canoes). Vanaga.