9. So, once again: If the heliacal rising of Antares is located at mago in Ga7-16, then we maybe could reach the midnight culmination of Antares 136 glyphs ahead (although those 107 extra glyphs could disturb the picture):
On Hawaii the ideal length from the evening reappearance of the Pleiades to winter solstice (the kali'i battle, cfr at Rogo) was 33 days. On Easter Island the ideal length from the morning rising of Antares to December 31 could have been 35 days, equal to the length from the heliacal rising of the Pleiades in May 17 (137) to winter solstice in June 21 (172). April 10 would then be day 100 counted from January 1 and the midnight culmination of Antares would come in April 11. In April 9 there are 384 days (= 13 * 29½ + ½) counted from March 21 in the previous year:
We have not by this investigation changed anything so far in the earlier view of where Christmas could be:
Ga8-10--11 are inside those 136 days which we began to count from November 26. Winter solstice in December 21 is day 355 and 35 days beyond the heliacal rising of Antares in November 26. But we should remember an earlier excercise (cfr at Canes Venatici) where hakaariki and kava were seen as possibly indicating the end of the year. Reversed hau tea in Gb5-1 is glyph number 355:
Tagata in Gb5-27 seems to allude to day 364 (= 52 * 7) ... The exercise was to start at 93 Leonis and then move backwards 229 glyphs in order to find a possible place where the Lion could have temporary disappeared at the end of his midnight culmination.
259 (September 16) - 30 (January 30) = 229. A mauga type of glyph presumably means 'vanished ' or 'hidden' (cfr in The Week). I here counted Gb8-30 twice in the flow of glyphs and thus it 'carried' two days and two different stars:
Otherwise May 25 with Hyadum II would have been at Ga1-1. And