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6. We have traced the last star of Crux (Mimosa) to its midnight culmination by moving back 228 glyphs from a mauga with mata in front, where September just has ended:

Heliacal rising of Crux:
Ga5-11 (122) Ga5-12 Ga5-13 (**96) Ga5-14
September 23 (266) 24 25 26 (Acrux)
Ga5-15 Ga5-16 Ga5-17 (*192) Ga5-18 Ga5-19 (130)
27 (270) 28 September 29 30 Mimosa (193.9)

However, we should have counted with 229 nights as the distance. 229 - 193.9 = 35.1 and 472 - 35.1 = 437. Below I have updated the data:

Gb5-4 Gb5-5 Gb5-6 (360)
μ Muscae Phekda η Crateris
 *422 *423 *424
January 30 31 February 1
179 - 229 + 472 = *422 before after
Gb5-7 Gb5-8 Gb5-9 Gb5-10 (364)
    Alchita Minkar
*425 *426 *427 *428
February 2 3 4 5
Midnight culmination of Crux:
Gb5-11 Gb5-12
Gienah Chang Sha
*429 *430
February 6 7
before after
Gb5-13 Gb5-14 (368) Gb5-15 Gb5-16 Gb5-17
ε Crucis Acrux Gacrux Kraz Porrima
*431  *432 *433 *434 *435
8 9 10 11 12
Gb5-18 Gb5-19 Gb5-20 (*438)
β Muscae Mimosa  
*436 *437 *438
13 14 February 15
Februa festival (?)

The correction puts the midnight culmination of Mimosa at a Sun-day in the center of what once was the old Roman Februa festival and the date is February 14, the 45th day from January 1.

I have used a straight line as a sign for culmination at the midnight meridian (e.g. Mimosa). Close to the equator the meridian is presumably not thought of as vertical but horizontal (aligned with the horizon in the east).

There is a pair of tagata where January ends and February is beginning. But there is also a 'double-pair' following, where in Gb5-7 'fists with flames' are held high followed in Gb5-8 with 'wings' down:

Gb5-7 (361) Gb5-8 Gb5-9 Gb5-10
 *425 *426 *427 *428
February 2 (33) 3 4 (35) 5
before 12h after 12h Alchita Minkar

Counting 229 days backwards from right ascension 12h (182.6) leads to night number 472 - (229 - 182.6) = 425.6.

February 2 is day 31 + 2 = 33 in our calendar. These day numbers are 144 higher than the glyph numbers (361 + 144 - 472 = 33).

The 'night numbers' corresponding to our calendar are 392 higher then the day numbers of our calendar (33 + 392 = *425). The number of glyphs on side a of the Mamari tablet is 392.

But these 'night numbers' are just artefacts constructed by me to measure the distance to the end of side b. 472 - 361 = 111, but *425 = 472 - 229 + 182.