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2. The horizon defines a circle agains which rising and setting of the sky 'persons' can be observed. They rise in the east and they go down in the west.

To the fundamental difference between day and night is added 3 subdivisions of the day:

day (ao) morning sun (a.m.) child Harpocrates
noon mature Ra
evening sun (p.m.) old Tum
night (ua) sun when set dead Osiris

The life of Sun describes the path of life, he is born in the east and he 'falls on his face' in the west.

In the 'geography of time', though, Sun is born in midwinter and dies in midsummer, where evidently the Red Queen is responsible for 'his head coming off'.

In space the 'land of Sun' is a band oriented from east to west, as for instance defined by the tropical belt in which Sun can reach zenith. In time he moves from solstice to solstice, and for someone living south of the equator Sun arrives from the north around spring equinox bringing summer.