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7. After this long discussion we are now ready to guess what the Full Moon glyph might describe:

Evidently it is 'Spring Sun' who is inside the top end. He is eating (kai). But since in time we have reached to the top of the 'cap' of the cycle he must 'die'. Full Moon is the 15th night of the month if we count a month as 2 fortnights. The image of an eating 'Spring Sun' can be used to refer to the similar phase of Waxing Moon.

Below him (or rather her) is el cielo kotekote (rangi kote kote), 'the divided sky'.
I have, with the help of Metoro, identified ragi as this type of glyph:

The ragi glyph type could represent the sky, but hardly the daytime sky - we can see the crescent of Moon in the background. To refer to the time periods when 'Sun is growing' henua was used:


A staff raised to push the sky dome up, maybe.

Anyhow the egg form outline of the full moon may have been the origin of ideas about how a new 'fire' (Sun) possibly could arrive later, after the earlier old one had 'died'. Maybe Moon created a new 'fire' at Omotohi. On Hawaii a full moon was desired at winter solstice:

The correspondence between the winter solstice and the kali'i rite of the Makahiki is arrived at as follows: ideally, the second ceremony of 'breaking the coconut', when the priests assemble at the temple to spot the rising of the Pleiades, coincides with the full moon (Hua tapu) of the twelfth lunar month (Welehu). In the latter eighteenth century, the Pleiades appear at sunset on 18 November. Ten days later (28 November), the Lono effigy sets off on its circuit, which lasts twenty-three days, thus bringing the god back for the climactic battle with the king on 21 December, the solstice (= Hawaiian 16 Makali'i). The correspondence is 'ideal' and only rarely achieved, since it depends on the coincidence of the full moon and the crepuscular rising of the Pleiades. (Sahlins, a.a.)

In the roof of the Taranaki storehouse the head of the king disappears and an egg follows. Such an egg could be inside Moon during her pregnancy, maybe, because next Sun must be born by a female: