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2. The myth of Tane creating light exists in numerous versions. Let us take as an example - from Legends of the South Seas - the following one from Chatham Islands where his name is Rangitokona:

"In the beginning were Rangi and Papa, Sky and Earth. Darkness existed. Rangi adhered over Papa his wife. Man was not. A person arose, a spirit who had no origin; his name was Rangitokona, the Heaven-propper. He went to Rangi and Papa, bid them go apart, but they would not.

Therefore Rangitokona separated Rangi and Papa, he thrust the sky above. He thrust him with his pillars ten in number end to end; they reached up to the Fixed-place-of-the-Heavens.

After this separation Rangi lamented for his wife: and his tears are the dew and the rain which ever fall on her.

This was the chant that did the work:

Rangitokona, prop up the heaven! // Rangitokona, prop up the morning! // The pillar stands in the empty space.

The thought [memea] stands in the earth-world - // Thought stands also in the sky.

The kahi stands in the earth-world - // Kahi stands also in the sky.

The pillar stands, the pillar - // It ever stands, the pillar of the sky.

Then for the first time was there light between the Sky and the Earth; the world existed."

Here the model from ancient Egypt is reversed, the man is high up in the sky and his woman is down on earth. Man belongs in the daytime sky and woman in the nighttime sky.

10 pillars end to end is the means whereby the sky dome is held high above the earth. In timespace it probably corresponds to the 10 lunar months of 'land'.