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2. Counting time according to Moon, we have arrived at 294 'cherries' (nights) from Eb7-3 up to and including Eb7-9:
'front side' (Sun)   'back side' (Moon)
Eb7-7 Eb7-8 Eb7-15 Eb7-16
Eb7-5 Eb7-6 Eb7-13 Eb7-14
Eb7-3 Eb7-4 Eb7-11 Eb7-12
Eb7-1 Eb7-2 Eb7-9 Eb7-10

At Eb7-10 there is 'a weak one', i.e. a 'Son of Sun' who will be sacrificed in order for Sun to move on. Therefore I have blackmarked this glyph - it represents an 'interrex'.

295 = 294 + 1 = 5 lunar doublemonths (5 * 59 = 295).