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2. The right horn of Capricornus, marked by Deneb Algiedi (δ), is rising heliacally late in the 22nd hour:

We should pinpoint which glyph is at 22h. Its date should be defined by day number 80 + 22h / 24h * 365.25 = 414.8 (= ca 365 + 50). I.e. by 'February 19.

This date coincides with the extraordinary glyph Gb2-16, a sure sign we are following the right track. Both its elaborate design and its number (2-16) are shouting at us for attention:

Gb1-13 Gb1-14 (*307) Gb1-15 Gb1-16 Gb1-17 Gb1-18 (248) Gb1-19
  Gredi (307.2)          
'January 21 '22 (387) '23 '24 '25 '26 '27 (392)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Gb1-20 Gb1-21 (*314) Gb1-22 Gb1-23 Gb1-24 Gb1-25
'January 28 '29 '30 '31 'February 1 '2
Al Naam ends. Al Baldaah begins. 2 3 (260) 4 5
Gb1-26 (256) Gb2-1 (*320) Gb2-2 Gb2-3 Gb2-4 Gb2-5
'February 3 '4 '5 '6 '7 '8
6 7 (264) 8 (*401) 9 10 11
Gb2-6 Gb2-7 Gb2-8 (264) Gb2-9 Gb2-10 Gb2-11
'February 9 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14
12 Al Baldaah ends. Saad Al Thabib begins 2 (272) 3 (*409) 4
Gb2-12 Gb2-13 Gb2-14 (270) Gb2-15 Gb2-16 Gb2-17 (*336)
'February 15 '16 '17 '18 '22h (414.8) '20
5 6 7 8 9 10 (280)

The manzil numbers above are counted from the beginning of each manzil. I have then - at certain positions - inserted within parenthesis the manzil day number counted from May 17 (137), for instance 264 at Gb2-1 (at the 7th day of Al Baldaah):

Ash Shabt Al Naam 16 Jan (381) 13 257 Ascella and Nunki
Al Baldaah 29 Jan (394) 13 270  
The Three Saads Saad Al Thabib 11 Febr (407) 15 285 Saad Al Thabih (sic!)
Saad Balaa 26 Febr (422) 13 298 Saad Balaa
Saad Al Saud 11 March (435) 13 311 Saadalsud

If the day numbers instead are to be counted from the beginning of the Gregorian year we have to add 136. E.g. will the 8th day of Al Baldaah (at Gb2-2) correspond to day number 265 + 136 = 401. This type of number I have at a few places added within parenthesis preceded by an asterisk (*401).

Day 264 is in our Gregorian calendar the day before autumn equinox, September 21. There are 100 days remaining of a year with 364 nights. It is hard to avoid comparing the end of Al Baldaah with the glyphs preceding Rogo in Gb6-26:

Gb6-17 (400) Gb6-18 Gb6-19 Gb6-20
Gb2-1 (257) Gb2-2 Gb2-3 Gb2-4
7 (264) 8 (*401) 9 10
Gb6-21 Gb6-22 Gb6-23 Gb6-24 Gb6-25 Gb6-26 (409) Gb6-27
Gb2-5 Gb2-6 Gb2-7 Gb2-8 Gb2-9 Gb2-10 Gb2-11
11 12 Al Baldaah ends. Saad Al Thabib begins 2 (272) 3 (*409) 4

400 (Gb6-17) - 257 (Gb2-1) = 143 = 365 - 222. But such speculations have to wait until we know more.