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7. My example of the glyph type kara etahi is Ab7-28.

7 * 28 = 196 = 4 * 49 and 72 * 8 = 576 = 16 * 36. Possibly we should count both ways in this instance, because it could be spring equinox, the time when manu tara is changing the long winter season into a high summer sky.

Manu tara

Sooty tern. The names of the age levels of the sooty tern were earlier used as children's names (Routledge). These names were (Barthel): pi(u) riuriu, kava 'eo'eo, te verovero, and ka 'ara'ara.

On side a of Tahua the reversal could describe the opposite, how summer is changing back into winter:

Ab7-27 Ab7-28 Ab7-29 Ab7-30 Ab7-31 Ab7-32
ma te inoino te manu rere erua ki te maitaki erua oona pu na te maitaki
Aa5-8 Aa5-9 Aa5-10 Aa5-11 Aa5-12 Aa5-13
eaha te huri o te manu kukurutou ko te manu eve pepepepe ko te maitaki ihe aki pu ko te maitaki

In Aa5-10 the kara etahi bird is no longer lean from the half-starvation of winter, and Metoro says manu eve pepepepe, which ought to mean that the living spirit is released 'from the bottom of the sea' (eve) in order to rise up into the sky again.


1. Placenta, afterbirth (eeve). T Pau.: eve, womb. Ta.: eve, placenta. Ma.: ewe, id. Haw.: ewe, navel string. 2. The rear; taki eeve, the buttocks; hakahiti ki te eeve, to show the buttocks; pupuhi eve, syringe. 3. The bottom of the sea.


1. A sketch. 2. Bench, chair, couch, seat, sofa, saddle; here pepe, mau pepe, to saddle; noho pepe, a tabouret. Pepepepe, bedstead. 3. Pau.: butterfly. Ta.: pepe, id. Mq.: pepe, id. Sa.: pepe, id. Ma.: pepe, a moth; pepererau, fin, Mgv.: pererau, wing. Ta.: pereraru, id. Ma.: parirau, id.

Sa.: pepe, a butterfly, a moth, to flutter about. Nukuoro, Fu., Niuē, Uvea, Fotuna, Nuguria, Ta., Mq.: pepe, a butterfly. Ma.: pepe, a grup, a moth; pepepepe, a butterfly; pepeatua, a species of butterfly. To.: bebe, a butterfly. Vi.: mbèbè, a butterfly. Rotumā: pep, id. Mq.: Pepepepe, low, flat. Ha.: pepepe, id.