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5. My glyph dictionary then leaves the 'preliminary remarks and imaginations' and goes on to present concrete examples:

A good example in the text of G is how at the kuhane station Hatinga Te Kohe (Gb5-1) a normal hau tea is followed by [a] reversed one. The reversed hau tea should mean the opposite of 'white cloth' - viz. 'dark cloth':

Gb4-33 Gb5-1
354 355

354 (the ordinal number counted from Gb8-30) = 12 * 29.5, i.e. 12 lunar months. The measure 354 evidently means a 12-month year with 29.5 days in each month, and this year ends at Hatinga Te Kohe (where the kuhane stepped on and broke the 'bamboo staff', kohe).

Te Kohe refers to a year which is 354 days long, we can conclude. (Other years existed in parallel, e.g. with durations of 360 days or 364 days.)

I was at that time, it seems, rather convinced in my argumentation and I have today no reason to immediately change anything in the quoted text above. Much could be added, but I will not do so unless it is necessary.

Instead we should return to Gardiner's Sign List before we loose track of it:

Quite possibly this simple little circle sign - the determinative for pupil - is the origin of the 'eye' signs at Leo and Capricornus:

The dark tuft of hair at the end of Leo is like that of his pupil:

... the fourth residence is 'Te Ngao O Te Honu', and the island king is accompanied to this place by a small adopted boy ...

In Wikipedia the list of Gardiner's hieroglyphs does not show his D18. At an early age I read Freud's Drömtydning (The Interpretation of Dreams) and from that time I am always aware of repression, one of the most obvious manipulations of the unconscious mind. The vanished D18 depicts an ear and thanks to Wilkinson we have a picture:

Possibly its shape influenced the zodiacal sign of Capricorn. The form of the ear is like the path of Sun above and like a hanging fruit (hua) below.

An exercise: Suppose the reversed hau tea in Gb5-1 should happen to mark the midline (he tini o te kainga), then we can see what happens when we extrapolate from 'May 24 (144) at Ga8-19:

Ga8-17 Ga8-18 (222) Ga8-19 Ga8-20 Ga8-21
Double Double (283.7), ζ Lyrae (283.8), φ Sagittarii (284.1) Sheliak, ν Lyrae (285.1) Ain al Rami (286.2), δ Lyrae (286.3) Alya (286.6), ξ Sagittarii (287.1), Sulaphat (287.4) λ Lyrae (287.7), Ascella (287.9), Nunki (288.4)
'December 30 '31 (365) 'May 24 (144) '25 '26

355 - 223 = 132 and 144 + 132 = 276 ('October 3). 276 = 23 * 12.

At the time of Scorpion the date would have been around 276 - 63 = 213 ("August 1):

Gb4-33 Gb5-1 (*196)
'October 2 'October 3 (276)
"July 31 "August 1 (213)

276 - 80 = 196 = 14 * 14, halfway to 392 (counted from 'March 21). Then, returning the 80 days:

392 + 80 = 472

The date could possibly be 472 - 365 = 107, i.e. 'April 17, when Polaris was rising heliacally.

Gb7-23 (*25) Gb7-24 Gb7-25 Gb7-26 Gb7-27
   Polaris, Baten Kaitos (26.6), Metallah (26.9), Segin, Mesarthim (27.2), Sheratan (27.4)  Alrisha (29.2)
'April 15 '16 '17 '18 '19 (109)

72 * 5 = 360 would serve as a sign for the end of the 'land' (kainga). Thus it is possible hau tea at Gb5-1 represents Hanga Te Pau, where the explorers landed their canoe.

... On the 'second list of place names', Hanga Te Pau is called 'the middle (zenith) of the land' (he tini o te kainga). This may refer to a line bisecting the island ...

If so, it could hardly at the same time be the place of Hatinga Te Kohe.