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5. Just to make it absolutely clear - there is no feeling of animosity between Saul and his successor David. Instead, later on the Adversary of the King was beheaded by David:

In the bottom picture David presents Saul with the head of Goliath. There is a barking dog in the center foreground and at left what presumably is a pair of twins looking at each other, lifting king Saul's cope from the ground.

"The cope (known in Latin as pluviale 'rain coat' or cappa 'cape') is a liturgical vestment, more precisely a long mantle or cloak, open in front and fastened at the breast with a band or clasp." (Wikipedia)

In the background is the mast of a ship and to its left a cupola (Ç). The Tree (the mast of the ship) stands between Saul and David. A great horse is at the extreme left. From the head of its rider the slope goes down towards the right, ending in shadows.

The rider at left has a pair of bows. Only the upper halves of these bows are seen and together they form the horns of the Bull.