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5. We can for the G text insert the midnight culmination of Vega in 'August 12:

261 32
Ga1-8 Ga2-11 (42)
Return of Antares ω Gemini (105.4)
'June 1 (152) 'July 4 (185)
"March 30 (89) "May 2 (122)
295 (= 10* 29½)
Ga3-20 (80) Ga3-21 Ga3-22
ω Leonis (142.6), τ¹ Hydrae (142.7), Alterf, τ² Hydrae (143.4) ξ Leonis (143.5), A Hydrae (144.1), Vega Ukdah (145.4)
'August 11 '12 (224) '13
 "June 9 (160) "10 "11
102 32
Ga3-23 (83) Ga7-16 (186) Ga8-15 (219)
 κ Hydrae (145.5), Subra (145.8), ψ Leonis (146.4) Antares (249.1) Vega (281.8)
'August 14 (226) 'November 25 'December 28 (362)
 "June 12 "September 23 "October 26 (299)
137 (= 177 - 40)

By the way, counting glyphs from mago in Ga3-23 to Gb2-10 the distance is 183:

Ga3-23 (83) Gb2-10 (266)
183 (= 100 + 83)

266 = 83 + 183. But mago in Ga3-23 still remains to be explained:

Rising in the east at sunset  'June 1 (152) 0
15 days from winter solstice 'July 6 (187) 35
Culmination at midnight 'July 11 (192) 5
Leap day

'July 12 (193)

? 'August 14 (226) 33
Heliacal rising 'November 25 (329) 103
Culmination at midnight 'July 11 (192) 228

The day number for August 14 is 226 which also is the number of days from heliacal rising to midnight culmination for the stars which are culminating in January-February (= stars rising heliacally in June-July).

183 + 179 (days from 'July 6 up to and including 'December 28) = 362, the right ascension night of Vega. Yet, 187 ('July 6) + 178 = 365 points at 'December 31:

182 177
Ga3-23 (83) Gb2-10 (266) Gb8-2 (444)
'August 14 (226) 'July 6 (187) Vega (281.8)
183 179
Gb7-31 Gb8-1 Gb8-2 (444) Gb8-3 Gb8-4 Gb8-5
'26 '27 'December 28 (362) '29 '30 '31

The reversed manu rere in Gb8-5 (where 8 * 5 = 40) is a very strong Sign. It could very well refer to how after the end of the old year its 'living spirit' is expiring. If 'December 31 should be at Gb8-5, then Gb8-2 ought to be at 'December 28 and Gb2-10 be at 'July 3.