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6. According to G the takaure season seems to end with Ga4-2 (where we can count 4 * 2 = 8 as a sign of Moon - it his her season, 'winter', which is ending):

Ga4-1 Ga4-2 Ga4-3 Ga4-4

Tagata (the fully grown 'person') in Ga4-1 stands at the beginning of a new glyph line, and probably Ga4-1--2 are to be read together - the season which is fully grown is the season of takaure. Maybe the 3 glyph lines a1--a3 are indicated by the 3 marks standing out at left (meaning now in the past) from the 'body'.

Evidently there are several measures for Sun, because 10 * 29 = 290 emerged as his last day before the takaure season and earlier we have seen 10 * 26 and 10 * 30:

104 258
Ga4-21 (105) Gb5-10 (364)
260 = 10 * 26
364 = 14 * 26
60 298
Ga3-1 (61) Gb5-6 (360)
300 = 10 * 30
360 = 18 * 20

Which measure to choose in a given situation ought to depend on what kind of event is due. 29 is an obvious sign for 'the black cloth' (cfr the words of Ulu: 'I have heard the voice of the noble Mo'o, and he has told me that tonight, as soon as darkness draws over the sea and the fires of the volcano goddess, Pele, light the clouds over the crater of Mount Kilauea, the black cloth will cover my head ...').