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3. On Makoi's list of place names number 25 is ko maunga teatea a pua katiki:

14 Hatu Ngoio 17 Opata Roa


Hanga Nui
15 Ara Koreu 18 Vai Tara


16 Hanga Kuokuo (20) 19 Hia Uka 29 Te Rano A Raraku
  20 Hanga Ohiro


21 Roto Kahi 31 Motu Kumu (36)
22 Papa Kahi  
23 Puna A Tuki
24 Ehu
25 Maunga Teatea
26 Te Hakarava (31)

The double name Maunga Teatea and Pua Katiki possibly refers to how time here is broken apart (8½ * 29½ = 250¾).

Makoi arrives from northwest, on the side of the Day (Sun), and moves towards the side of Night (Moon). Thus the name Ehu (ashes etc) is appropriate for day number 240 (= ⅔ of 360), because the 'great fire in the sky' can be said to 'turn into ashes' with nightfall.

Ehu (cfr kehu and nehu)

Ehu ûa, drizzle.

Firebrand. Ehuehu: 1. Ashes. P Mgv.: ehu, ashes, dust; rehu, a cinder, ashes. Mq.: ehuahi, ashes. Ta.: rehu, ashes, soot, any powder. 2. Brown, brownish. P Ta.: ehuehu, red, reddish. Ha.: kehu, red or sandy haired. Mq.: kehu, fair, blond. Mgv.: keukeu-kura, id. Ma.: kehu, reddish brown. Sa.: 'efu, id. To.: kefu, yellowish. Fu.: kefu, blond, red. Niuē: kefu, a disrespectful term of address. Ragi ehuehu, a cloudflecked sky. 3. Imperceptible.

Pau.: kehu, flaxen-haired, blond. Ta.: ehu, reddish. Mq.: kehu, blond. Sa.: 'efu, reddish, brown. Mq.: kehukehu, twilight. Ha.: ehuehu, darkness arising from dust, fog, or vapor.

Once again the station has a double name, and we can compare with the kuhane stations:

24 ko ehu ko mahatua a piki rangi a hakakihikihi mahina
25 ko maunga teatea a pua katiki.
The eastern corner - 2nd part:

14 Hanga Takaure

15 Poike

16 Pua Katiki

The eastern corner - 3rd part:

17 Maunga Teatea

18 Mahatua 19 Taharoa

Makoi's order from west to east along the northern shore is opposite to that of the kuhane of Hau Maka, and we can therefore guess 24 Ehu corresponds to 19 Taharoa. When Sun is moving towards night he is going down (taha):


To lean; to go down (of the sun in the evening).  Taha-taha. 1. Side, edge; shore: taha-taha tai. 2. To move from side to side (of a boat), to swing.

1. To bend, sloping, to go hither and thither, to evade; ki taha, near; taha ke, to go in different directions; tahataha, frontier, horizon; hiriga tahataha, to cross, to go across; hakataha, to divert, to turn away, to go aside, to be on one side, to dodge, to shun, oblique, to incline the head, to turn over on another side, to avoid, to subject; mata hakataha, to consider; tae hakataha, immovable. 2. To tear. PS Mgv.: tahataha, to cut into pieces. Sa., To., Fu.: tafa, to cut, to gash. Viti: tava, id.

Moe tahae, to be a light sleeper. Tahatai (taha 1 - tai), littoral, coast, shore; tahatahatai, coast.


Long: haga roa, long bay, wide beach; ara roa râkei, wide, neat path. Roaroa, long, tall, far, distant: tagata roaroa, tall man; kaiga roaroa, distant land; roaroa tahaga, middle finger.

Long, large, extent; roaroa, to grow, height; mea roaroa, a long while; roaroa tahaga, middle finger; roaroa ke, infinite (time and space); roroa, far, distant, thin, to grow tall; tagata roroa, giant; roroa ke, immense; arero roroa, to rapport, to tell; vanaga roroa, to chatter, babbler; vare roroa, driveller; hakaroa, to lengthen, to defer; hakaroaroa, to lengthen, to develop; hakaroroa, to extend, prolong, defer, lengthen; roaga, distance, extent, size, length, distant, long.

Earlier I have suggested that each station on Makoi's list is representing 10 days. If it is true, then also the kuhane stations could represent periods with 10 days in each. However, with Maunga Teatea and Pua Katiki mentioned together in the 25th item of Makoi each kuhane station maybe has only 5 days - 16 * 5 = 80 days up to and including 16 Pua Katiki and 8 * 5 = 40 days from 17 Maunga Teatea up to and including the birthplace of the new king at 24 Oromanga.

By the way, beyond 20 Hanga Ohiro there is a sign ko to be noticed, and it appears twice at what could be day number 240, presumably to indicate a break in time:

200 hanga ohiro a pakipaki renga.
210 ko roto kahi a touo renga.
220 ko papa kahi a roro.
230 ko puna a tuki a hauhau renga
240 ko ehu ko mahatua a piki rangi a hakakihikihi mahina
250 ko maunga teatea a pua katiki.
260 ko te hakarava a hakanohonoho.
270 ko hanga nui a te papa tata ika.
280 ko tongariki a henga eha tunu kioe
  ka haka punenenene henua mo opoopo o tau kioe
290 ko te rano a raraku.

Whatever it means we should take the opportunity to map the occurrence of ko in Makoi's list:

1 ko apina iti.ko rapa kura.he oho mai he
2 tuu ki hanga o uo.he nape i te ingoa.ko hanga o uo
  a vave renga.
  he nape he oho a Makoi .i te ingoa.ka vari ro.
  a arurua.aro i apina nui i hakatuu ai
  te maea.etahi no raa.i nape i oho ai.
3 hanga roa a tuki tukau
4 Okahu a uka ui hetuu.
5 ra tahai a uo.
6 ahu akapu a mata kurakura.
7 kihikihi rau mea a rapa rau renga
8 renga a tini a toto renga
9 vai a mei u(h)i kapokapo.
10 rua a ngau a nua ngirongiro.
11 roro hau a mana ai rea.
12 vai poko aa raa mata turu
13 ko te hereke a kino ariki
14 hatu ngoio a taotao ika.
15 ara koreu a pari maehaeha.
16 hanga kuokuo a vave renga.
17 Opata roa a mana aia.
18 vai tara kai u(a) a ngao roaroa a ngao tokotokoa.
19 hia uka a hakairiiri a hakaturuturu.
20 hanga ohiro a pakipaki renga.
21 ko roto kahi a touo renga.
22 ko papa kahi a roro.
23 ko puna a tuki a hauhau renga
24 ko ehu ko mahatua a piki rangi a hakakihikihi mahina
25 ko maunga teatea a pua katiki.
26 ko te hakarava a hakanohonoho.
27 ko hanga nui a te papa tata ika.
28 ko tongariki a henga eha tunu kioe
  ka haka punenenene henua mo opoopo o tau kioe
29 ko te rano a raraku.
30 ko oparingi a a uuri
31 ko motu kumu koka a kaoa
31 oparingi a uuri
32 motu humu koka a mare a kaoa.
33 hanga maihiku a papa hakakiva.
34 maunga toatoa a veri iri haere.
35 ko te pipi horeko a morokiroki.
36 hanga tetenga a ure ngorengore
37 ahu tutae a hare kava hia.ka hakaruarua ka ha(-)
  kauaua tamai
38 e tai e hia e. e uta e roi e he toou umu ka tao ka
  maemae i kona era i kona era i oroi aau i ootu ai.
39 akahanga a hare hakamahangahanga.
40 e raro e hua reva e a veri itiiti a hua a haka(-)
  revareva a toka mahina
41 rua hana a kiri kanakana.
42 e tai e puku hotake e a te tini i uta te hare
  rourou koveka.
43 vai ngaere a puku hehaheha
44 e tai e teho e ka tao taau ngu e po e kiko e ka tutu
  tou oone.
45 vai ngaere a puku hehaheha.
46 e hue e renga havini e ka rangi atu koe kia nua
  kia motu roa ka vere mai taau taueve miritonu
47 e vai e hare hakangaengae i te tahu hanga rikiriki.
48 hanga o maru a vave paupau.
49 e uta e maunga marengo e kaa hohora toou kahu
  ritorito ka romiromi mai
50 ko hanga te pau a ira.
  te tini o te kainga a hanga te pau.
51 rano kau te taki toka hakapiri te vaenga te mu(-)
52 mataveri o uta a hare paenga.
53 mataveri o tai a taura akavenga nuahine
54 vai rapa a hakaremereme
56 te vai rutu manu a koro rupa.e haho e hivi e
  e runga e te puku ohu kahi e.
57 hanga piko a hare rutu manu a ana onono a Pu ngotangota.
58 ata Popohanga toou e to ata hero e
59 ata ahiahi toou e honu e
60 apina nui a Papa nihoniho a vere nua(-)
  nua a Papa o rae i te ngao o te moai o hina(-)

There are 4 (page 38) + 12 (or 10) + 1 (page 40) + 1 (page 41) = 18 (or 16) blackmarked ko above. I guess ko could be a sign meant to signify the opposite of te, i.e. representing the back side.