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3. Page number 40 is beginning with item number 31, i.e. the same number as that of Moto Kumu at the end of page 39, but the name is different:

31 oparingi a uuri
32 motu humu koka a mare a kaoa.
33 hanga maihiku a papa hakakiva.
34 maunga toatoa a veri iri haere.
35 ko te pipi horeko a morokiroki.
36 hanga tetenga a ure ngorengore
37 ahu tutae a hare kava hia.ka hakaruarua ka ha(-)
  kauaua tamai
38 e tai e hia e. e uta e roi e he toou umu ka tao ka
  maemae i kona era i kona era i oroi aau i ootu ai.
39 akahanga a hare hakamahangahanga.
40 e raro e hua reva e a veri itiiti a hua a haka(-)
  revareva a toka mahina
41 rua hana a kiri kanakana.
42 e tai e puku hotake e a te tini i uta te hare
  rourou koveka.
43 vai ngaere a puku hehaheha

And the following 32 Motu Humu seems to be intended as a contrast to Moto Kumu.

1 Apina Iti 4 Okahu
2 Hanga O Uo 5 Ra Tahai
3 Hanga Roa 6 Ahu Akapu
  7 Kihikihi Rau Mea
8 Renga A Tini
9 Vai A Mei
10 Rua A Ngau
11 Roro Hau
12 Vai Poko
13 Te Hereke (17)
14 Hatu Ngoio 17 Opata Roa


Hanga Nui
15 Ara Koreu 18 Vai Tara


16 Hanga Kuokuo (20) 19 Hia Uka


Te Rano A Raraku
  20 Hanga Ohiro


21 Roto Kahi 31 Motu Kumu (36)
22 Papa Kahi  
23 Puna A Tuki
24 Ehu
25 Maunga Teatea
26 Te Hakarava (31)
31 Oparingi 36 Hanga Tetenga
32 Motu Humu 37 Ahu Tutae
33 Hanga Maihiku 38 Oroi
34 Maunga Toatoa 39 Akahanga
35 Te Pipi Horeko (41) 40 Hua Reva
  41 Rua Hana
42 Puku Hotake
43 Vai Ngaere (53)

There is no Capital Letter at the beginning of any of the items on page 40. But Te at 35 Te Pipi Horeko indicates the end of a group of 5 items. There are 5 + 8 = 13 stations on page 40. I have reorganized my table for page 39 in order to have 5 items also at the end of page 39.

Beyond 26 Te Hakarava there will thus be (3 + 2) + (2 + 3) = 10 items (or 8 if we subtract the overcrossed ones). 26 + 10 = 36. Number 36 Hanga Tetenga has double te inside the name, which possibly indicates a negation of te, i.e. instead of 'end of Sun' it could mean 'beginning of Sun'. If we count text lines instead of numbered stations then 36 Hanga Tetenga will be number 42.

A negation of te (which could be the meaning of tete) possibly refers to the cold in the absence of Sun:


Tete nihotete, to gnash the teeth. Tetete, fever, to tremble. P Mgv.: tete, to shiver with cold. Mq.: tete, to tremble, to shiver, to show the teeth; haátete i te niho, to gnash the teeth. Ta.: tete, to make a noise, to chatter. Mq.: tete, a bird.

Ta.: tetei, to clench the teeth. Mq.: tetei, to grit the teeth, to show the teeth. Ma.: tetea, to show the teeth, to gnash the teeth.