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When south of the equator the Sun was in the vicinity of the Ghost of Jupiter it could therefore have been interpreted as the return of his living spirit (manu rere) - the opposite of his turning into a ghost.

Papa O Pea
Ga4-5 Ga4-6 Ga4-7 (91) Ga4-8 Ga4-9
Al Jabhah-8 / Maghā-10 λ Hydrae (153.2) Adhafera, Tania Borealis, Simiram (154.7) Algieba, q Carinae (155.5) Tania Australis (156.0), Ghost of Jupiter (156.8)
10h (152.2)
AL JABHAH (152.4), Regulus (152.7)
Hora Iti 20 (*152) 21 22 23 24 (236)
ºAugust 16 (*148) 17 18 (230) 19 20
'July 24 25 (206) 26 27 (*128) 28
"July 10 (*111) 11 12 (193) 13 14
ι Pegasi (335.0), Alnair (335.1), μ Piscis Austrini, υ Piscis Austrini (335.3), Woo (335.7), Baham, τ Piscis Austrini (335.8)  ζ Cephei (336.2), λ Cephei (336.3), -/270 Lac. (336.7), λ Piscis Austrini (336.8) μ Gruis (337.0), ε Cephei (337.2), 1/325 Lac. (337.3), Ancha (337.4), α Tucanae (337.9) Al Sa'ad al Ahbiyah-23 / Shatabisha-25 β/172 Lac. (339.2), 4/1100 Lac. (339.4), π Aquarii (339.5)


ρ Aquarii (338.2), 2/365 Lac. (338.5), SADACHBIA (338.6), π Gruis (338.9)
February 19 (*335) 20 21 22 (53) 23 (419)
ºFebruary 15 (46) 16 (*332) 17 (413) 18 19 (50)
'January 23 (*308) 24 (55) 25 26 27 (392)
"January 9 10 (*295) 11 12 13 (378)

Possibly the return of his manu rere was imagined to occur in Leo where far down south (Toga) the Milky Way had reached the very bottom, at the Sunken Ship, emptying itself of spirits about to be reborn:

I do not assume the creator of the G text necessarily must have known about the existence of NGC 3242 closely before μ Hydrae, because once the structure could have been common knowledge all over the world. For instance had the ancient Babylonians located the sign of Jupiter here, between Crab, Lion, and Serpent:

The right front leg of the Lion is here prolonged upwards into a resemblance of the figure of 8 open at bottom, with the star Regulus as a pronounced 'stone'.

 In South America the Leo figure with Regulus on the ecliptic path of the Sun was well known:

Also Pollux and Procyon are easy to recognize. Procyon on one side of the Milky Way forms a triangle with  Rigel and Sirius on the other side.

Another triangle, oppositely oriented, can be imagined to be formed by Pollux and Procyon together with Regulus. However, this is rather a quadrangle, with Regulus like a reflection of Aldebaran on the other side of the 'mirror surface' between Pollux and Procyon.

Possibly the kava glyph originated from the stars of the prolonged foreleg of the Lion.:


At the end of the old year, when old sun has stopped moving and a new one is needed, the whole community is engaged in activities preparing for the new year, sweeping out all the old. So it was among the Maya and so it presumably was also on Easter Island.

... the name [Vindler, one of the epithets of Heimdall] is a subform of vindill and comes from vinda, to twist or turn, wind, to turn anything around rapidly. As the epithet 'the turner' is given to that god who brought friction-fire (bore-fire) to man, and who is himself the personification of this fire, then it must be synonymous with 'the borer' ...

The Sibyl's prophecy does not end with the catastrophes, but it moves from the tragic to the lydic mode, to sing of the dawning of the new age:

Now do I see / the Earth anew / Rise all green / from the waves again ... / Then fields unsowed / bear ripened fruit / All ills grow better ...

The ceremonies held reflect what is happening up in the sky. A new fire on earth will be in harmony with a new fire in the sky. Kava will make the eyes more sensitive, generating an illusion of returning light.

Possibly the kava glyph type sometimes illustrates a bolt of lightning. At other times the glyph type may depict a ginger root.

The kava glyph type seems to have been used in the rongorongo calendars to mark where the new fire is generated.