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After this short repetition and having secured what appears to be a correct duration for the time between the explorers leaving Hiva and arriving to Easter Island we should go back to the circumstances when they were leaving the island. With the key number 157 fresh in mind we will quickly perceive glyph 157 at Gb6-4. Counted from the beginning of side b there were 314 / 2 glyphs to my suggested position for Tagaroa Uri 25. It ought to mean the sea journey to Easter Island could have begun at Gb1-1.

Gb5-26 (150) Gb5-27 (380) Gb5-28
APRIL 4 (*14) 5 (460) 6
 ĸ Leporis (78.0), Rigel (78.1), Flaming Star (78.2), Capella (78.4), ο Columbae, τ Orionis (78.8)


λ Aurigae (79.0), λ Leporis (79.6), ρ Aurigae (79.7)


σ Aurigae (80.4), Bellatrix, Saif al Jabbar (80.7), Elnath (80.9)
June 7 8 (*444) 9 (525)
May 11 12 (*52) 13 (133)
"April 27 28 (118) 29 (*39)
OCTOBER 4 (277) 5 6 (*199)
 Sarin (261.0), ο Ophiuchi (261.4)


ξ Ophiuchi (262.2), θ Ophiuchi, ν Serpentis, ζ, ι Apodis (262.4), ι Arae (262.8), ρ Herculis (262.9) β, γ Arae (263.3), κ Arae (263.5), σ Ophiuchi (263.6)
December 7 8 (342) 9
314 'November 11 *236
"October 27 (300) 28 29
TAGAROA URI 18 (*186) 19 20 (268)
Gb5-29 Gb6-1 Gb6-2 (384) Gb6-3 Gb6-4 (157)
APRIL 7 (*17) 8 9 (99) 10 (465) 11
ψ Orionis (81.1), Nihal (81.7) Mintaka, υ Orionis (82.4), χ Aurigae (82.5), ε Columbae (82.6) Al Hak'ah-3 / Mrigashīrsha-5 / Turtle-20 Three Stars-21 / ANA-IVA (9) ο Aurigae (85.8), γ Leporis (85.9)

Yang Mun

Arneb, Crab Nebula (83.0, φ¹ Orionis (83.1), HEKA, Orion Nebula (83.2), φ² Orionis (83.6), Alnilam (83.7) Heavenly Gate, ν Columbae (84.0), ω Orionis (84.2),  ALNITAK, PHAKT (Phaet) (84.7)
June 10 (*446) 11 12 13 (164) 14 (530)
'May 14 (*54) 15 (135) 16 17 18 (503)
"April 30 (*40) "May 1 2 3 (123) 4 (489)
OCTOBER 7 (*200) 8 9 (282) 10 (648) 11
Lesath, δ Arae (264.7), Choo (264.9) Al Shaula Ras Alhague (266.1), Sargas (266.3), μ Ophiuchi, π Arae (266.5), Nan Hae (266.6),  ι Herculis (266.7) λ Arae (267.1), Girtab, ο Serpentis (267.6) Kelb Alrai, μ Arae (268.1), Kew Ho (268.6), η Pavonis (268.7), Apollyon (268.9)
 Alwaid, Maasym (265.1), Shaula (265.3), Kuma (265.6), σ Arae (265.9)


December 10 11 12 Lucia 14 (348 = 364 - 16)
'November 13 (*237) 14 15 16 (320) 17
"October 30 31 (304) "November 1 2 3 (*227)
TAGAROA URI 21 22 23 24 (*192) 25 (273)
Gb6-5 Gb6-6 (388) Gb6-7 (160)
APRIL 12 (*22) 4-13 (468) 14 (104)
 μ Columbae, Saiph (86.5), τ Aurigae, ζ Leporis (86.6) υ Aurigae (87.1), ν Aurigae (87.2), Wezn, δ Leporis (87.7), Tze (87.9) Ardra-6 / ANA-VARU (8)
χ¹ Orionis, ξ Aurigae (88.1), BETELGEUZE (88.3), ξ Columbae (88.5), σ Columbae (88.7)

 Zuben Elgenubi

June 15 16 17 (168)
'May 19 (*59) 20 (140) 21
"May 5 (*45) 6 (126) 7 (492)
OCTOBER 12 (285) 13 14
Muliphen (269.0), Basanismus (269.5), Pherkard (269.9) Ptolemy Cluster (270.5) Rukbalgethi Genubi (271.1), ξ Herculis (271.5), Etamin, ν Herculis (271.7), ν Ophiuchi (271.8)
December 15 16 (350) 17
'November 18 19 (*243) 20 (324)
"November 4 5 (*229) 6 (310)
TAGAROA URI 26 27 (275) 28

But the number of days in the month Tagaroa Uri is so far uncertain for us. In October there are 31 days and in April there are 30 days, an ugly situation. Moreover, we have just discovered the number of days per month could have been according to the pre-Julian calendar - with for instance 29 days in Aprilis:

Martius 31 31 -
Aprilis 29 30 +1
Maius 31 31 -
Iunius 29 30 +1
Quintilis 31 31 -
Sextilis 29 31 +2
Sum 180 184 +4
September 29 30 +1
October 31 31 -
Sum 240 245 +5

If we should use the pre-Julian calendar also for the lengths of the months spent by the explorers on Easter Island we must reduce the number of days with a total of 5. And it means we have to raise the calendar day numbers with 5 in order to compensate:

Gb5-17 Gb5-18 Gb5-19 (372) Gb5-20 (144) Gb5-21
MARCH 26 27 28 (*7) 29 (88) 30 (454)
no star listed (69) no star listed (70) Tabit (71.7), π² Orionis (71.9) π4 Orionis (72.1), ο¹ Orionis (72.4), π5 Orionis (72.8) π¹ Orionis (73.0), ο² Orionis (73.4), Hassaleh (73.6), π6 Orionis (73.9)
May 29 30 (*435) 31 June 1 (152) 2
'May 2 3 4 5 (125) 6 (*46)
"April 18 19 (*29) 20 21 (111) 22 (477)
SEPTEMBER 25 26 27 28 29 (272)
ζ Herculis, η Tr. Austr. (252.1), η Herculis, β Apodis (252.5) Atria (253.9) Tail-6 ι Ophiuchi (255.3), Grafias (255.4) κ Ophiuchi (256.2), ζ Arae (256.5), ε Arae (256.8), Cujam (256.9)
Wei, η Arae (254.3), DENEBAKRAB (254.7)
November 28 29 (333) 30 December 1 2 (336)
'November 1 2 3 (*227) 4 (308) 5
"October 18 19 20 21 (*214) 22 (295)
TAGAROA URI 9 10 (*178 = *253 - *75) 11 12 (260) 13
TAGAROA URI 14 15 (*178) 16 17 (260) 18
Gb5-22 (146) Gb5-23 Gb5-24 Gb5-25 (378)
MARCH 31 (*10) APRIL 1 2 (457) 3 (93)
Almaaz (74.7), Haedus I (74.8) Haedus II (75.9) 5h (76.1) μ Aurigae, μ Leporis (77.6)
ε Leporis (76.0), Cursa (76.4), λ Eridani (76.7)
June 3 4 (520) June 5 6 (157)
'May 7 8 (128) *414 10 (*50)
"April 23 114 = 6 * 19 25 26 (*36)
SEPTEMBER 30 (273) OCTOBER 1 2 3
no star listed (257) 17h (258.7) Mula-19 Nodus I (260.0), π Herculis (260.7), Ras Algethi (260.8)
no star listed (258) Sabik (259.7), η SCORPII (259.9)
December 3 4 5 6 (340)
'November 6 (*230) 7 8 9 (313)
"October 23 (*216) 24 25 26 (299)
TAGAROA URI 14 15 (*183 = *258 - *75) 16 17 (265)
TAGAROA URI 19 20 (*183) 21 22 (265)
Gb5-26 (150) Gb5-27 (380) Gb5-28
APRIL 4 (*14) 5 (460) 6
 ĸ Leporis (78.0), Rigel (78.1), Flaming Star (78.2), Capella (78.4), ο Columbae, τ Orionis (78.8)


λ Aurigae (79.0), λ Leporis (79.6), ρ Aurigae (79.7)


σ Aurigae (80.4), Bellatrix, Saif al Jabbar (80.7), Elnath (80.9)
June 7 8 (*444) 9 (525)
May 11 12 (*52) 13 (133)
"April 27 28 (118) 29 (*39)
OCTOBER 4 (277) 5 6 (*199)
 Sarin (261.0), ο Ophiuchi (261.4)


ξ Ophiuchi (262.2), θ Ophiuchi, ν Serpentis, ζ, ι Apodis (262.4), ι Arae (262.8), ρ Herculis (262.9) β, γ Arae (263.3), κ Arae (263.5), σ Ophiuchi (263.6)
December 7 8 (342) 9
314 'November 11 *236
"October 27 (300) 28 29
TAGAROA URI 18 (*186) 19 20 (268)
TAGAROA URI 23 (*186) 24 25 (268)
Gb5-29 Gb6-1 Gb6-2 (384) Gb6-3 Gb6-4 (157)
APRIL 7 (*17) 8 9 (99) 10 (465) 11
ψ Orionis (81.1), Nihal (81.7) Mintaka, υ Orionis (82.4), χ Aurigae (82.5), ε Columbae (82.6) Al Hak'ah-3 / Mrigashīrsha-5 / Turtle-20 Three Stars-21 / ANA-IVA (9) ο Aurigae (85.8), γ Leporis (85.9)

Yang Mun

Arneb, Crab Nebula (83.0, φ¹ Orionis (83.1), HEKA, Orion Nebula (83.2), φ² Orionis (83.6), Alnilam (83.7) Heavenly Gate, ν Columbae (84.0), ω Orionis (84.2),  ALNITAK, PHAKT (Phaet) (84.7)
June 10 (*446) 11 12 13 (164) 14 (530)
'May 14 (*54) 15 (135) 16 17 18 (503)
"April 30 (*40) "May 1 2 3 (123) 4 (489)
OCTOBER 7 (*200) 8 9 (282) 10 (648) 11
Lesath, δ Arae (264.7), Choo (264.9) Al Shaula Ras Alhague (266.1), Sargas (266.3), μ Ophiuchi, π Arae (266.5), Nan Hae (266.6),  ι Herculis (266.7) λ Arae (267.1), Girtab, ο Serpentis (267.6) Kelb Alrai, μ Arae (268.1), Kew Ho (268.6), η Pavonis (268.7), Apollyon (268.9)
 Alwaid, Maasym (265.1), Shaula (265.3), Kuma (265.6), σ Arae (265.9)


December 10 11 12 Lucia 14 (348 = 364 - 16)
'November 13 (*237) 14 15 16 (320) 17
"October 30 31 (304) "November 1 2 3 (*227)
TAGAROA URI 21 22 23 24 (*192) 25 (273)
TAGAROA URI 26 27 28 29 (*192) 30 (273)
Gb6-5 Gb6-6 (388) Gb6-7 (160)
APRIL 12 (*22) 4-13 (468) 14 (104)
 μ Columbae, Saiph (86.5), τ Aurigae, ζ Leporis (86.6) υ Aurigae (87.1), ν Aurigae (87.2), Wezn, δ Leporis (87.7), Tze (87.9) Ardra-6 / ANA-VARU (8)
χ¹ Orionis, ξ Aurigae (88.1), BETELGEUZE (88.3), ξ Columbae (88.5), σ Columbae (88.7)

 Zuben Elgenubi

June 15 16 17 (168)
'May 19 (*59) 20 (140) 21
"May 5 (*45) 6 (126) 7 (492)
OCTOBER 12 (285) 13 14
Muliphen (269.0), Basanismus (269.5), Pherkard (269.9) Ptolemy Cluster (270.5) Rukbalgethi Genubi (271.1), ξ Herculis (271.5), Etamin, ν Herculis (271.7), ν Ophiuchi (271.8)
December 15 16 (350) 17
'November 18 19 (*243) 20 (324)
"November 4 5 (*229) 6 (310)
TAGAROA URI 26 27 (275) 28
TAGAROA URI 31 KO RUTI 1 (275) 2 (*196 = *271 - *75)

For a time I felt tempted to here say this would complicate matters too much. Instead we could argue that on Land the Gregorian Sun calendar should have been used in order to give the proper month lengths (whereas out on the Sea the stars were necessary) - ua for Land and rapa for the Sea.


However, truth should not stay hidden for long. Gb5-28 could coincide with the night when the explorers went home to Hiva. The kava ceremony (Gb5-25) is 3 days earlier - i.e. in the interval between the arrival of the King and the Queen in Tagaroa Uri 15 (*70) and the home voyage of the explorers in Tagaroa Uri 25 (*80).

At Gb5-18 we could count 51 * 8 = 408 and there were 100 glyphs remaining to 471 (= 1½ * 314). At mauga ('the last') in Gb5-28 we can count 52 * 8 = 416 = 16 * 26. And 528 = 2 * 264.

Other arguments can also be used for applying the pre-Julian calendar measures and I need a new page for a further discussion. Anyhow, I should here point out we ought to change the position of He Maro 1 from Gb2-10 (265) to Gb2-9 (264):

Nakshatra (star) perspective in Roman times:
1 Vaitu Nui (29) 2 Vaitu Potu (31) 3 He Maro (29) 4 He Anakena (31) 5 Hora Iti (29) 6 Hora Nui (29)
'April' (30) 'May' (31) 'June' (30) 'July' (31) 'August' (31) 'September' (30)
7 Tagaroa Uri (31)  8 Ko Ruti 9 Ko Koró 10 Tua Haro  11 Tehetu'upú 12 Tarahao
'October' (31) 'November' (30) 'December' (31) 'January' (31) 'February' (28) 'March' (31)
Gb2-6 Gb2-7 Gb2-8 Gb2-9 (264) Gb2-10 (36) Gb2-11
DECEMBER 7 8 9 10 11 (345) 12
Al Sa'd al Su'ud-22 / Emptiness-11 no star listed (326) Castra (327.2), Bunda (327.5)


Nashira (328.0), Azelfafage, κ Capricorni (328.7) Enif, Erakis (329.2), 46 Capricorni, Jih (329.3), ι Piscis Austrini (329.4), λ Capricorni (329.6), ν Cephei (329.7), Deneb Algiedi (329.8) θ Piscis Austrini (330.1)
Tsin (325.2), Alphirk (325.7), SADALSUD, ξ Gruis (325.9)
BUNDA (Foundation) / KAKKAB NAMMAΧ (Star of Mighty Destiny)
February 9 10 (41) 11 12 (408) 13 All Hearts
'January 13 14 15 (*300) 16 17 18 (383)
"December 30 31 "January 1 2 3 (368) 4
JUNE 8 9 (525) 10 11 12 13 (164)
The Knot (Ukdah) ψ Leonis (146.4), Ras Elaset Australis (146.6) Vathorz Prior (147.9) υ¹ Hydrae (148.4), Ras Elaset Borealis (148.7)
Al Tarf-7 A Hydrae (144.1)


Ukdah (145.4), κ Hydrae (145.5), Subra (145.8)
ψ Velorum (143.3), ALTERF, τ² Hydrae (143.4), ξ Leonis (143.5)
August 11 12 13 14 15 (227) 16
'July 15 16 17 18 19 (200) 20
"July 1 2 3 4 5 (186) 6
VAITU POTU 27 28 29 (150) 30 (*71 = *146 - *75) HE MARO 1 2
VAITU POTU 28 29 30 (150) HE MARO 1 2 3 (*73 = *148 - *75

The Knot (Ukdah) could easily have associated to how canoes should be securely bound up when the voyagers left them on the beach, walking inlands:

… the hau cords which secured the purlins to the rafters and the rafters to the ridge pole were always to be knotted towards the right and in three revolutions, 'like [tying off] the umbilical cord of a baby'. A similar practice was once utilised (and occasionally still is) to fasten the lines on a boat.
Hotu Matu'a, they said, had promised that if this triplicate practice were followed, fishermen would not lose their lives when their boats capsized at sea and hare paenga would not be torn from their foundations by the wind ...

... At the moment of delivery the man who ties the navel cord (tangata hahau pito) is called in. The tying of the navel cord is sacred and must be performed according to ritual ... The first knot (hahau a te matau, string of the right) is tied after the string has made transverse turns around the navel cord passing from left to right. After three more transverse turns around the navel cord right to left, the second knot (hahau patu maui, string to the left) is tied. These knots keep the child's strength in his body. The navel cord is cut by a boy or girl (kope or vie nagi pito, young man or woman who bites the navel) ...

It should be noted that with He Maro 1 at glyph 35 counted from the beginning of side b my initial estimate for the number of days out at sea (37) now has come down to 35. This number could have felt more urgent to present for the readers of Manuscript E than 314 / 2.

... Thus the regular old Roman year ended with Februarius 23 and it was 350 nights long, 25 fortnights. Then followed 5 extra nights, or as the Romans saw it 5 + 1 = 6 nights in order to include March 1, the first day of the new regular year. This means the last 4 months of the year contained 3 * 29 + 23 = 110 regular nights, or as the Romans saw it 110 + 1 = 111 regular nights, with 5 extra nights immediately before the last regular night ...

November 29 30 +1
December 29 31 +2
Ianuarius 29 31 +2
Februarius 28 28 -
Sum 355 365 +10