3 levels down under the Giza plateau, with its great triplet of pyramids in the background, they have recently discovered a burial chamber for Osiris: ![]() It has an empty stone coffin which never was intended to contain someone's body. Instead it was, I suggest, a sarco-phagus - an empty vessel for the spirit of the dead one (similar to the empty granite coffin inside the pyramid of Cheops, although it was high up and not below the ground level, i.e. stored in a dry place free from water). All 'meat' had been 'consumed by the stones', after the horizon in the west had been reached. It had been 'eaten by the grasping hand' (Chikin).
Interestingly restoration has shown the stone sarcophagus of Osiris was not only immersed in water but also surrounded by 4 stone pillars. We can understand 'water' to refer to the season opposite to the season ruled by the Sun (fire) high up in the sky. ... The basic myth of dynastic Egypt was that of the death and resurrection of Osiris, the good king, 'fair of face', who was born to the earth-god Geb and sky-goddess Nut. He was born together with his sister-wife, the goddess Isis, during the sacred interval of those five supplementary days that fell between one Egyptian calendric year of 360 days and the next. He and his sister were the first to plant wheat and barley, to gather fruit from trees, and to cultivate the vine, and before their time the races of the world had been savage cannibals. But Osiris's evil brother, Set, whose sister-wife was the goddess Nephtys, was mortally jealous both of his virtue and of his fame, and so, stealthily taking the measure of his good brother's body, he caused a beautifully decorated sarcophagus to be fashioned and on a certain occasion in the palace, when all were drinking and making merry, had it brought into the room and jestingly promised to give it to the one whom it should fit exactly. All tried, but, like the glass slipper of Cinderella, it fitted but one; and when Osiris, the last, laid himself within it, immediately a company of seventy-two conspirators with whom Set had contrived his plot dashed forward, nailed the lid upon the sarcophagus, soldered it with molten lead, and flung it into the Nile, down which it floated to the sea ... Lead was the metal of Saturn and 72 = 360 / 5. In G there are 7 vai glyphs, but only one of them can represent the watery season down in the underworld:
The normal vai glyph has a broad ('meaty') outline, broad as daylight. But at 'flood' the circumference of the oval disintegrates into a thin single strand of 'thread'. However, inside this thin eggformed container (Gb3-5) the fluid of life (vai-ora) preserved the 'horse-spirit' (taka-ure). It may have corresponded to the sarco-phagus of Osiris.
There was - according to my investigations so far - only one place in the list of the Babylonian ecliptic stations where 2 stars ruled the same day - viz. the tail and the hind leg of the Lion. The tail of Leo, we know, was probably thought of as immersed in water:
... A pair of waterways (Tullumayu and Watanay) worked together in gradually squeezing the great Cat in the sky away, tapering him off. At the beginning of summer the great Sky Bull broke through the rain clouds and at the end of summer the water came back with a revenge. Hevelius has drawn the tail of his lion excessively long, like a serpent with a head at the end. The star at this serpent's head is 93 Leonis. The straight line from δ (Zosma) to β (Denebola) can be imagined as the diagonal in a square where also θ (Coxa) and 93 are corners ... But his 'hind leg' (Alaraph, β Virginis) was no longer a part of him and perhaps it had been 'swallowed by a fish'.
... The four bereaved and searching divinities, the two mothers and their two sons, were joined by a fifth, the moon-god Thoth (who appears sometimes in the form of an ibis-headed scribe, at other times in the form of a baboon), and together they found all of Osiris save his genital member, which had been swallowed by a fish. They tightly swathed the broken body in linen bandages, and when they performed over it the rites that thereafter were to be continued in Egypt in the ceremonial burial of kings, Isis fanned the corpse with her wings and Osiris revived, to become the ruler of the dead. He now sits majestically in the underworld, in the Hall of the Two Truths, assisted by forty-two assessors, one from each of the principal districts of Egypt; and there he judges the souls of the dead. These confess before him, and when their hearts have been weighed in a balance against a feather, receive, according to their lives, the reward of virtue and the punishment of sin. Remarkably it has been discussed whether the Great Lion on the Giza plateau, between the pyramids and the Nile, could be much, much older than ealier had been thought. Because its stones bear clear evidence of torrential amounts of water having eroded away much of the body.
From a quick look at the Tahua text we can see that the thin and miserable stage of the Sun soon develops into a fat and beneficient season: