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The eyes of the Jaguar were caught by the branches of the Tree. They would probably dry out completely up there. Betelgeuze culminated at midnight, which could have been a sign of drying out (because its heliacal rising was where Orion had his right hand down in the Milky Way).

17 Al Shaula Sting λ (Shaula), υ Sorpii (Lesath) 265.3 Dec 11 (345) 16 254
18 Al Na'ām Ostriches γ (Nash), δ (Kaus Medius), ε (Kaus Australis), η, ζ (Ascella), σ (Nunki), φ, χ, τ, μ¹ (Polis), μ² Sagittarii 288.4 Jan 3 (368) 23 277
19 Al Baldah City π Sagittarii (Al Baldah) 290.1 Jan 5 (370) 2 279
20 Al Sa’d al Dhabih Lucky One of the Slaughterers α Capricorni (Gredi), β (Dabih) 308.0 Jan 23 (388) 18 297
21 Al Sa’d al Bula' Good Fortune of the Swallower ε Aquarii (Albali), μ, ν 314.8 Jan 29 (394) 6 303
22 Al Sa'd al Su'ud Luckiest of the Lucky β Aquarii (Sadalsud), ξ (Bunda), c (46) Capricorni 325.9 Feb 9 (405) 11 314
23 Al Sa'd al Ahbiyah Lucky Star of Hidden Things α Aquarii (Sadalmelik), γ (Sadachbia), ζ, η, π 338.6 Feb 22 (418) 13 327

Kau, v. Haw., to hang up, suspend, to tie or gird on, to put or place a thing, to fall upon, to put on, as a burden, to set or fix, as boundaries of a land, or a decree, to promulgate, as a law; in a neuter sense, to light down, as a bird, as a spiritual influence; adj. a setting of the sun, a resting, a roost for fowls; kau-a, to hesitate, be in doubt, suspense, to beg off; kau-o, to draw, as a load; morally, to endure, to incline to, to pray for some special blessing; kau-oha, a dying charge, bequest, covenant, commission, command; kau-kai, to wait for an event, to expect; kau-kau, to take counsel, to resolve, to chide, to reprove, to explain, make clear; kau-la, a rope, cord, tendon, a prophet, a seer; kau-la-i, to hang up, put up in the sun; kau-lana, fame, report, renown; ma-kau, be ready, prepared; akau, the right hand (dexter), to be right, to the north, north.

In the Southern dialects we find: Tong., tau, to hang, overhang, impend, extend to, fit, be suitable; ma-tau, the right hand; ta-tau, equal, like (balanced); tau-la, a cable; tau-ranga, an anchoring place.

Sam., tau, to rest on, light on, fall on; faa-ta-tau, to compare; tau, what is proper and right; tau-au, to tend towards, either decline or increase; tau-me, stretch up the hand and not reach, to desire and not obtain; tau-i, reward, payment, revenge; tau-la, an anchor, to anchor, the priest of a god; tau-la-i, to hang up to; tau-langa, a sacred offering, an anchorage; tau-lalo, let the hands drop in fighting, be conquered; tau-tau, to hang, hang up; ma-tau, right-hand side, an axe; faa-tau, equally, alike; v. to buy, barter, sell; faa-tau-oa, a merchant.

Marqu., tau, to carry on the back; tau-tau, suspended, hung up; ta-tau, to count, reckon; tau-a, a rope, a priest; a-tau, ka-tau, an achor. N. Zeal., tau, besided previous meanings, to meet; ma-tau, expert, dexterous, shrewd. Tah., tau, to hang upon, an anchor; tau-ai, to hang up, spread out, as clothes to dry; tau-i, price, cost, to exchange, buy; tau-ra, cord, a troop, crowd, be inspired, a prophet; tau-e, a swing, see-saw; tau-piri, tail for a kite; tau-mata, a visor, a mask; tau-mi, a breastplate, plastron; a-tau, right hand, to the right.

Fiji., tau, to fall, as of rain, to fall upon; tau-ca, to place or put down a thing; tau-nga, a swinging shelf. Malg., mang-hatau, mana-tao, to place, put ... (Fornander)

Gb1-20 Gb1-21 (250) Gb1-22
NOVEMBER 25 (329) 26 27
Deneb Cygni (313.5), β Pavonis (313.6), δ Delphini (313.8) Al Sa’d al Bula'-21 / Dhanishta-24 / Girl-10 Baten Algiedi (315.8)
Yue (314.3), Gienah Cygni, η Cephei (314.5), γ Delphini (314.6), σ Pavonis (314.7), ALBALI (314.8)


January 28 29 30 (395)
'January 1 2 3 (368)
"December 18 19 20 (354)
MAY 27 28 (148) 29
Extended Net-26a / Arkū-sha-nangaru-sha-shūtu-13 ι Cancri (132.0), ρ Hydrae (132.4) no star listed (133)
η Hydrae (131.0), Ascellus Australis (131.4), Koo She (131.6), ε HYDRAE (131.9)
July 30 31 (212) August 1
'July 3 4 (185) 5
"June 19 20 (171) solstice
Gb1-23 Gb1-24 Gb1-25 Gb1-26 Gb2-1 (256)
NOVEMBER 28 29 30 DECEMBER 1 2 (336)
μ Aquarii (316.0) ε Equulei (317.8) no star listed (318) 21h (319.6) χ Capricorni (320.0), ν Aquarii (320.3), γ Equulei (320.6), ο Pavonis (320.8)
Armus (319.0), Dorsum (319.3), Tsoo (319.7)
January 31 (396) February 1 2 3 4 (400)
'January 4 5 6 7 8 (373)
solstice "December 22 23 Christmas Eve 25 (359)
MAY 30 31 JUNE 1 2 3 (154)
ζ Hydrae (134.1), ρ Cancri (134.2), ο Cancri (134.6) Acubens, Talitha Borealis (135.0), σ Cancri (135.2), ρ Ursa Majoris (135.6) ν Cancri (136.0), Talitha Australis (136.1), ω Hydrae (136.8) 9h (137.0) no star listed (138)
σ¹ Ursa Majoris (137.0), κ Cancri (137.3), τ Cancri (137.4), Alsuhail (137.5), σ² Ursa Majoris (137.6), τ Ursa Majoris (137.7), ξ Cancri (137.8)
August 2 3 4 (216) 5 6
'July 6 7 8 9 (190) 10
"June 22 23 St John's Eve 25 26 (177)

Hanging (tau) victims preceded 21h and Al Sa’d al Bula' described the beginning of Aquarius, where instead of lots of fresh water (μ) there was a swallowing towel for drying out completely:


Egyptian jubilation Phoenician he Greek epsilon Ε (ε)

Wikipedia points at the Egyptian gesture with arms held high as a Sign of jubilation, which may have been the origin (via Phoenician he) of epsilon.

Egyptian water ripples Phoenician mēm Greek mu Μ (μ)
Egyptian cobra in repose Phoenician nūn Greek nu Ν (ν)

... Nun is thought to have come from a pictogram of a snake (the Hebrew word for snake, nachash begins with a Nun and snake in Aramaic is nun) or eel.

Some have hypothesized a hieroglyph of a fish in water for its origin (in Arabic, nūn means large fish or whale). The Phoenician letter was named nūn 'fish', but the glyph has been suggested to descend from a hypothetical Proto-Canaanite nahš 'snake', based on the name in Ethiopic, ultimately from a hieroglyph representing a snake.

... Nahš in modern Arabic literally means 'bad luck'. The cognate letter in Ge'ez and descended Semitic languages of Ethiopia is nehas, which also means 'brass'.

... I walked towards it now, and spent some time strolling around it and clambering over it. Originally it had been a clean-sided step-pyramid of earth faced with large andesite blocks. In the centuries since the conquest, however, it had been used as a quarry by builders from as far away as La Paz, with the result that only about ten per cent of its superb facing blocks now remained.

What clues, what evidence, had those nameless thieves carried off with them? As I climbed up the broken sides and around the deep grassy troughs in the top of the Akapana, I realized that the true function of the pyramid was probably never going to be understood. All that was certain was that it had not been merely decorative or ceremonial. On the contrary, it seemed almost as though it might have functioned as some kind of arcane 'device' or machine. Deep within its bowels, archaeologists had discovered a complex network of zigzagging stone channels, lined with fine ashlars.

These had been meticulously angled and jointed (to a tolerance of one-fiftieth of an inch), and had served to sluice water down from a large reservoir at the top of the structure, through a series of descending levels, to a moat that encircled the entire site, washing against the pyramid's base on its southern side ...

Anciently the Great Mountain was evidently a significant part of the cosmic time-space diagram. So much is clear that time was running from top and down, ultimately finding its goal in a hole: