From Rigel (β Orionis) at the beginning (or end) of Eridanus to Ras Alhague (α Ophiuchi, at the head of the Serpent Carrier) there were 266 - 78 = 188 days:
●MARCH 22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 (85) |
3 * 59 |
2 (92) |
3 |
4 (*14) |
5 |
6 (96) |
Ga1-11 |
Ga1-12 |
Ga1-13 |
Ga1-14 |
Ga1-15 |
Ga1-16 |
HAEDUS II (75.9) |
5h (76.1) |
μ AURIGAE, μ LEPORIS (77.6) |
ĸ Leporis (78.0), RIGEL (78.1), Flaming Star (78.2), Capella (78.4), ο Columbae, τ Orionis (78.8)
λ Aurigae (79.0), λ Leporis (79.6), ρ Aurigae (79.7)
σ Aurigae (80.4), Bellatrix, Saif al Jabbar (80.7), ELNATH (80.9) |
ε Leporis (76.0), CURSA (76.4), λ Eridani (76.7) |
June 4 |
5 |
6 (157 = 314 / 2) |
7 |
8 |
9 (2 * 80) |
'May 8 (128) |
9 |
10 (*50) |
11 |
12 (2 * 66) |
13 |
"April 24 (*34) |
25 |
26 (116 = 4 * 29) |
27 |
28 (2 * 59) |
29 |
21 |
23 (266) |
24 |
25 (*188) |
2 |
3 |
4 (277) |
5 |
6 (*199) |
Ga7-25 |
Ga7-26 |
Ga7-27 (196) |
Ga7-28 |
Ga7-29 |
Ga7-30 |
17h (258.7) |
Mula-19 |
NODUS I (260.0), π Herculis (260.7), Ras Algethi (260.8) |
Sarin (261.0), ο Ophiuchi (261.4)
ξ Ophiuchi (262.2), θ Ophiuchi, ν Serpentis, ζ, ι Apodis (262.4), ι Arae (262.8), ρ Herculis (262.9) |
β, γ Arae (263.3), κ Arae (263.5), σ Ophiuchi (263.6) |
no star listed (258) |
Sabik (259.7), η SCORPII (259.9) |
December 4 |
5 |
6 (340) |
7 (*261) |
8 |
9 |
'November 7 |
8 |
9 (*233) |
10 (314) |
11 |
12 |
"October 24 |
25 |
26 |
27 (300) |
28 |
29 (*222) |
27 |
28 |
29 (272) |
30 (*193) |
2 |
8 |
9 |
10 (283) |
11 |
12 |
13 |
Ga7-31 (200) |
Ga7-32 |
Ga7-33 |
Ga7-34 |
Ga8-1 |
Ga8-2 |
Ga8-3 |
Lesath, δ Arae (264.7), Choo (264.9) |
Al Shaula |
RAS ALHAGUE (266.1), Sargas (266.3), μ Ophiuchi, π Arae (266.5), Nan Hae (266.6), ι Herculis (266.7) |
λ Arae (267.1), Girtab, ο Serpentis (267.6) |
Kelb Alrai, μ Arae (268.1), Kew Ho (268.6), η Pavonis (268.7), Apollyon (268.9) |
Muliphen (269.0), Basanismus (269.5), Pherkard (269.9) |
Ptolemy Cluster (270.5) |
Alwaid, Maasym (265.1), Shaula (265.3), Kuma (265.6), σ Arae (265.9)
December 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 (350) |
'November13 |
14 |
15 |
16 (320) |
17 |
18 |
19 |
"October 30 |
31 |
"November 1 |
2 |
3 (*227) |
4 |
5 |
But from the left foot of Orion to the left foot of Ophiuchus (ψ) there were 247 - 78 = 169 days (which happened to the same as the distance from 0h to Coxa, θ Leonis), and this was immediately after the Yed Door (δ and ε) at the left hand of the Serpent Carrier, where the figure was beginning:
●MARCH 22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 (85) |
APRIL 1 (*11) |
2 |
3 (93) |
4 |
5 |
6 (96) |
Ga1-11 |
Ga1-12 |
Ga1-13 |
Ga1-14 |
Ga1-15 |
Ga1-16 |
HAEDUS II (75.9) |
5h (76.1) |
μ AURIGAE, μ LEPORIS (77.6) |
ĸ Leporis (78.0), RIGEL (78.1), Flaming Star (78.2), Capella (78.4), ο Columbae, τ Orionis (78.8)
λ Aurigae (79.0), λ Leporis (79.6), ρ Aurigae (79.7)
σ Aurigae (80.4), Bellatrix, Saif al Jabbar (80.7), ELNATH (80.9) |
ε Leporis (76.0), CURSA (76.4), λ Eridani (76.7) |
June 4 |
5 |
6 (157 = 314 / 2) |
7 |
8 |
9 (2 * 80) |
'May 8 (128) |
9 |
10 (*50) |
11 |
12 (2 * 66) |
13 |
"April 24 (*34) |
25 |
26 (116 = 4 * 29) |
27 |
28 (2 * 59) |
29 |
Beginning (or end) of Eridanus |
163 |
●SEPTEMBER 6 (249) |
7 |
0h + 9 * 19 |
9 (*172) |
SEPTEMBER 17 (260) |
18 |
19 (*182) |
20 |
Ga7-11 (180) |
Ga7-12 (181) |
Ga7-13 (182 = 118 + 64) |
Ga7-14 (183) |
ψ Scorpii (244.6), Lesath (244.8) |
χ Scorpii (245.1), YED PRIOR, δ Tr. Austr. (245.5) |
YED POSTERIOR, Rukbalgethi Shemali (246.6). δ Apodis (246.7), ο Scorpii (246.8) |
Heart-5 |
σ SCORPII (247.0), Hejian (247.2), ψ OPHIUCHI (247.7) |
November 20 (324) |
21 |
22 (*246) |
23 |
'October 24 |
25 (*218) |
26 |
27 (300) |
"October 10 |
11 (*204) |
12 (285) |
13 |
11 |
12 (255) |
(4 * 64) |
14 |
23 (266) |
24 |
25 |
Ga7-15 |
Ga7-16 (185) |
Ga7-17 |
Ga7-18 |
Ga7-19 |
ρ Ophiuchi (248.1), Kajam (248.3), χ Ophiuchi (248.5), She Low, ι Tr. Austr. (248.7), ζ Tr. Austr. (248.8) |
Al Kalb-16 / Jyeshtha-18
γ Apodis (250.1), σ Herculis (250.3), θ Tr. Austr. (250.6), τ Scorpii (250.7) |
Han (251.0) |
ζ Herculis, η Tr. Austr. (252.1), η Herculis, β Apodis (252.5) |
ANTARES (249.1), Marfik, φ Ophiuchi (249.5), ω Ophiuchi (249.8) |
November 24 |
25 (329) |
26 |
27 |
28 |
'October 28 (301) |
29 |
30 |
31 |
'November 1 |
"October 14 |
15 |
16 |
17 (290) |
18 |
16 |
17 (260) |
(9 * 29) |
19 |
27 |
28 |
29 (272) |
(3 * 91) |
Ga7-20 |
Ga7-21 (190) |
Ga7-22 |
Ga7-23 |
Ga7-24 |
Atria (253.9) |
Tail-6 |
ι Ophiuchi (255.3), Grafias (255.4) |
κ Ophiuchi (256.2), ζ Arae (256.5), ε Arae (256.8), Cujam (256.9) |
no star listed (257) |
Wei, η Arae (254.3), DENEBAKRAB (254.7) |
November 29 |
30 |
December 1 (335) |
2 (*256) |
3 |
'November 2 |
2 |
3 |
4 (*229) |
5 (310) |
"October 19 |
20 |
21 (*214) |
22 (295) |
23 |
The Ophiuchi stars began after half a year counted from the beginning of side a and they ended with τ at his right hand:
1 |
Horn |
α Virginis (Spica) |
Crocodile |
(202.7) |
Oct 9 (282) |
282 = 265 + 17 |
2 |
Neck |
κ Virginis |
Dragon |
(214.8) |
Oct 21 (294) |
294 = 282 + 12 |
3 |
Root |
α Librae (Zuben Elgenubi) |
Badger |
(224.2) |
Oct 31 (304) |
304 = 295 + 9 |
4 |
Room |
π Scorpii (Vrischika) |
Hare |
(241.3) |
Nov 17 (321) |
321 = 304 + 17 |
5 |
Heart |
σ Scorpii |
Fox |
(247.0) |
Nov 23 (327) |
327 = 321 + 6 |
6 |
Tail |
μ Scorpii (Denebakrab) |
Tiger |
(254.7) |
Nov 30 (334) |
334 = 327 + 9 |
7 |
Winnowing Basket |
γ Sagittarii (Nash) |
Leopard |
(273.7) |
Dec 19 (353) |
353 = 334 + 19 |
December solstice |