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Once again. From the beginning of side a on the G tablet we can count 59 (= 2 * 29½) days before reaching manu kake at the beginning of line Ga3:

●MAY 3 (123) 4 5 6 7 8 (*48) 9 (129)
MAY 14 15 16 (136) 17 18 19 (*59) 20
Ga2-24 Ga2-25 Ga2-26 Ga2-27 Ga2-28 Ga2-29 Ga3-1 (60)
φ Gemini (118.4) Drus (119.9) ω Cancri (120.2) 8h (121.7) ρ Puppis (122.0), Heap of Fuel (122.1), ζ Monocerotis (122.3),  ψ Cancri (122.6), Regor (122.7) TEGMINE (123.3) Al TARF (124.3)

Ras Algethi

χ Gemini (121.0), NAOS (121.3)
July 17 18 19 (200) 20 21 22 (*123) 23
'June 20 SOLSTICE 22 23 ST JOHN'S EVE 25 (*96) 26 (177)
"June 6 7 8 9 (160) 10 11 (*82) 12

59 + 64 (the distance from Rogo in March 21 to Ga1-1) = 123 = 118 + 5 (possibly the last 5 days in line Ga2).

64 36 21 51 25
Gb6-26 Ga2-7 (37) Ga2-29 (59) Ga3-1 (60) Ga5-2 (112) Ga5-28 (138)
0h 123 80

Vie Kena could have arrived at 0h in rongorongo times, which might explain why manu kake has one bird looking back and one ahead like Janus. Vie Moko would then have begun in July 23 (204) and the older bird should have a longer beak.

... The Rapa Nui calendar begins with the month of Anakena (the name of the landing site of Hotu Matu'a). Anakena was said by Thomson to mean August, but Métraux corrected that to July. Taking into consideration the conflicting evidence of the timing of Orongo ceremonies and based upon consultation with noted Pacific astronomer Will Kyselka, I think it is probable that the Rapa Nui ritual calendar, as that of the Maori, Mangarevans, Samoans, Tongans and other Polynesians began in July ...

But the disposition at the beginning of side a was probably determined by the star positions at the time of the Hyades Gate, i.e. with 0h connected to Hyadum II:

●FEBRUARY 15 21 ●MARCH 9 10 11 (70) 12 13
FEBRUARY 26 MARCH 20 VIE KENA 22 (81) 23 24
no glyph
Gb8-8 (449) Gb8-30 Ga1-1 Ga1-2 Ga1-3
Bharani-2 / Stomach-17 Hyadum I (63.4) Hyadum II (δ¹ Tauri) (64.2) Net-19 no star listed (66) no star listed (67)
π Arietis (41.2), BHARANI (41.4), τ² Eridan, σ Arietis (41.7) AIN, θ¹ Tauri, θ² Tauri (65.7)
May 1 (121) May 23 24 25 (145) 26 27
'April 4 (94) 'April 26 27 28 (118) 29 30 (*40)
0h "April 12 13 (4-13) 14 (104) 15 16 (*26)

Counting 123 days ahead from Ain (ε Tauri) means reaching day 65 + 123 = 188 from March 21, i.e. to Algorab:

●JUNE 29 30 ●JULY 1 2 3 (184)
JULY 10 11 12 (193) 13 14
Ga5-1 Ga5-2 Ga5-3 (113) Ga5-4 Ga5-5
θ Crateris (175.0), υ Leonis (175.2), ω Virginis (175.3), ι Crateris (175.5) ο Hydrae (176.1) ζ Crateris, ξ Virginis  (177.0), λ Muscae (177.1), ν Virginis (177.2), μ Muscae (177.8) Al Sarfah-10 / Uttara Phalguni-12 / Zibbat A.-16 / Shēpu-arkū sha-A-17 Phekda, β Hydrae  (179.3), η Crateris (179.9)

Deneb Cygni

93 Leonis (178.0), DENEBOLA (178.3), ALARAPH (178.6)
September 12 13 (256) 14 15 16
'August 16 17 (229) 18 19 20
"August 2 3 (215) 4 (*136) 5 6
●JULY 4 5 6 (*107) 7 (188)
JULY 15 16 17 (*118) 18 (199)
Ga5-6 Ga5-7 Ga5-8 (118) Ga5-9
no star listed (180) π Virginis (181.0), θ Crucis (181.5) 12h (182.6) Alchita, Ma Wei (183.1), Minkar (183.7), ρ Centauri (183.9)
ο Virginis (182.1), η Crucis (182.5)
September 17 (260) 18 19 20
'August 21 22 23 24 (236)
"August 7 8 (220) 9 10 (*142)
●JULY 8 9 (190)
JULY 19 (200) 20
Ga5-10 Ga5-11 (121)
PÁLIDA (184.6), Megrez (184.9) Hasta-13 / Chariot-28
GIENAH (185.1), ε Muscae (185.2), ζ Crucis (185.4), ZANIAH (185.9)
September 21 (264) EQUINOX
'August 25 (*157) 26 (238)
"August 11 (*143) 12 (224)
●JULY 10 11 12 (193) 13 14
JULY 21 22-7 23 (204) 24 25
Ga5-12 Ga5-13 (123) Ga5-14 Ga5-15 Ga5-16
Chang Sha (186.3) INTROMETIDA (187.4), ACRUX (187.5) γ Com. Berenicis (188.0), σ Centauri (188.1), ALGORAB (188.5), Gacrux (188.7) γ Muscae (189.0), Avis Satyra (189.3), Asterion (189.5), Kraz (189.7)  α Muscae (190.2), τ Centauri (190.5), χ Virginis (190.7)


September 23 24 25 (268) 26 27
'August 27 28 (240) 29 30 31 (*163)
"August 13 (*145) 14 15 (227) 16 17

I have suggested this was where side a on the C tablet was beginning. Vie Moko could have been Raven:

●JULY 7 8 9 10 11 12 (193)
JULY 18 19 20 21 22-7 23 (204)
no glyph
Ca1-1 Ca1-2 Ca1-3 Ca1-4 Ca1-5
koia ki te hoea ki te henua te rima te hau tea haga i te mea ke
Alchita, Ma Wei (183.1), Minkar (183.7), ρ Centauri (183.9) PÁLIDA (184.6), Megrez (184.9) Hasta-13 / Chariot-28 Chang Sha (186.3) INTROMETIDA (187.4), ACRUX (187.5) γ Com. Berenicis (188.0), σ Centauri (188.1), ALGORAB (188.5), Gacrux (188.7)
GIENAH (185.1), ε Muscae (185.2), ζ Crucis (185.4), ZANIAH (185.9)
September 20 21 (264) EQUINOX 23 24 25
'August 24 (236) 25 26 27 28 29
"August 10 11 12 13 14 15 (227)

Depending on the precessional positions the different dates would be connected to the right ascension dates defined by Rogo at the time of rongorongo. It was like a marvellous pair of spider nets rotating slowly through the ages, thereby changing the dates:

... 'I wan't a clean cup', interrupted the Hatter: 'let's all move one place on.' He moved as he spoke, and the Dormouse followed him: the March Hare moved into the Dormouse's place, and Alice rather unwillingly took the place of the March Hare. The Hatter was the only one who got any advantage from the change; and Alice was a good deal worse off than before, as the March Hare had just upsed the milk-jug into his plate ...