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Once again. Precession had moved 0h to heliacal Sirrah at the end of the Pegasus Square while the stars were still standing approximately at their correct heliacal positions as related to the Hyades Gate (respectively as related to the Haedus Gate). The Sun had moved his cardinal points with 64 days since the time of Taurus and with 75 days since the time of Auriga.

In order to construct a reasonable and updated Sun calendar for Easter Island the midwinter solstice should come early in the text

Ga1-27 Ga1-28 Ga1-29
●APRIL 6 (461) 7 (*17) 8 (*383)
APRIL 17 (472) 18 (108) 19 (*29)
6h (91.3) ξ Orionis (92.5) Al Han'ah-4 / Maru-sha-pu-u-mash-mashu-8
ν Orionis (91.4), θ Columbae (91.5), π Columbae (91.6)  TEJAT PRIOR (93.4), γ Monocerotis (93.5), κ Aurigae (93.6), κ Columbae (93.8)
June 20 SOLSTICE June 22 (173)
'May 24 (*64) 25 26 (146)
●OCTOBER 6 7 (280) 8 (*201)
OCTOBER 17 (*210) 18 19 (292)
Zhōngshān (274.0), π Pavonis (274.6) ι Pavonis (275.1), Polis (275.9)


η Sagittarii (276.9)
December 20 (354) SOLSTICE 22
'November 23 24 (*248) 25 (329)

and beyond that should be signs of a new year, of a new 'creation':

Ga1-30 Ga2-1 Ga2-2 Ga2-3 (33) Ga2-4
●APRIL 9 (*19) 10 (100) 11 12 13
APRIL 20 (*30) 21 (111) 22 23 24
 Furud (94.9) Well-22 / Arkū-sha-pu-u-mash-mashu-9 no star listed (96) β Monocerotis, ν Gemini (97.0) no star listed (98)
δ Columbae (95.2), TEJAT POSTERIOR, Mirzam (95.4), CANOPUS (95.6), ε Monocerotis (95.7), ψ1 Aurigae (95.9)
June 23 ST JOHN'S EVE 25 26 (177) 27
'May 27 28 (*68) 29 30 (150) 31
●OCTOBER 9 10 11 (*204) 12 (285) 13
OCTOBER 20 21 22 (295) 23 (*216) 24
Purva Ashadha-20 Kaus Borealis (279.3) ν Pavonis (280.4), κ Cor. Austr. (280.9) Abhijit-22
KAUS MEDIUS, κ Lyrae (277.5), Tung Hae (277.7) φ Oct. (278.1), KAUS AUSTRALIS (278.3), ξ Pavonis (278.4), Al Athfar (278.6) θ Cor. Austr. (281.0), VEGA (281.8)
December 23 CHRISTMAS EVE 25 26 (360) 27
'Nov 26 (*250) 27 28 29 (333) 30
Ga2-5 Ga2-6 (36) Ga2-7 Ga2-8
●APRIL 14 15 16 (*26) 17 (107)
APRIL 25 26 (*36) 27 28 (118)
ν Puppis (99.2), ψ3 Aurigae (99.4), ψ2 Aurigae (99.5)


ψ4 Aurigae (100.5), Mebsuta (100.7) SIRIUS (101.2), ψ5 Aurigae (101.4), ν Gemini (101.6), ψ6 Aurigae (101.7) τ Puppis (102.2), ψ7 Aurigae (102.4)
June 28 29 (180) 30 July 1
'June 1 2 (*73) 3 (154) 4
●OCTOBER 14 15 (*208) 16 17 (290)
OCTOBER 25 26 (*219) 27 (300) 28
no star listed (282) ζ Pavonis (283.4), λ Cor. Austr. (283.6), Double Double (283.7), ζ Lyrae (283.8) South Dipper-8 Sheliak, ν Lyrae (285.1), λ Pavonis (285.7)


Φ SAGITTARII (284.0), μ Cor. Austr. (284.6), η Cor. Austr., θ Pavonis (284.8)
December 28 29 30 (364) 31
'December 1 2 (336 = 14 * 24) 3 4 (*258)
Ga2-9 Ga2-10 (40) Ga2-11 Ga2-12
●APRIL 18 (*28) 19 20 21 (111)
APRIL 29 (*39) 30 MAY 1 (121) 2
Mash-mashu-sha-Risū-10 Adara (104.8) ω Gemini (105.4), Alzirr (105.7), MULIPHEIN (105.8), Mekbuda (105.9) 7h (106.5)
θ Gemini (103.0), ψ8 Aurigae (103.2), ALHENA (103.8), ψ9 Aurigae (103.9) no star listed (106)
July 2 3 4 (185) 5
'June 5 (156 = 12 * 13) 6 (*77) 7 8
●OCTOBER 18 (291) 19 20 21 (*214)
OCTOBER 29 (*222) 30 31 (304) NOVEMBER 1
χ Oct. (286.0), Ain al Rami (286.2), δ Lyrae (286.3), κ Pavonis (286.5), Alya (286.6) ξ Sagittarii (287.1), ω Pavonis (287.3), ε Aquilae, ε Cor. Austr., Sulaphat (287.4), λ Lyrae (287.7), Ascella, Bered (Ant.) (287.9) Uttara Ashadha-21 19h (289.2)
NUNKI (288.4), ζ Cor. Austr. (288.5), Manubrium (288.8), ζ Aquilae (288.9) λ Aquilae (Ant.) (289.1), γ Cor. Austr (289.3), τ Sagittarii (289.4), ι Lyrae (289.5), δ Cor. Austr. (289.8)
January 1 (366) 2 3 4
'December 5 6 (340) 7 (*261 = 9 * 29) 8
Ga2-13 Ga2-14 (44) Ga2-15 Ga2-16 Ga2-17
●APRIL 22 (*32) 23 24 (114) 25 26
MAY 3 4 (*44) 5 (125) 6 7
WEZEN (107.1), τ Gemini (107.7), δ Monocerotis (107.9) no star listed (108) λ Gemini (109.4), Wasat (109.8) no star listed (110) Aludra (111.1), Propus (111.4),  Gomeisa (111.6)
July 6 7 (188) 8 9 10
'June 9 10 (161) 11 12 13 (*84)
●OCTOBER 22 (295) 23 (*216) 24 25 26
NOVEMBER 2 3 (*227) 4 (308) 5 6
Al Baldah-19 / Cargo Boat-91 Aladfar (291.1), Nodus II (291.5), ψ Sagittarii (291.6), θ Lyrae (291.8) ω Aquilae (292.1), ρ Sagittarii (292.6), υ Sagittarii (292.7) Arkab Prior (293.0), Arkab Posterior, Alrami (293.2), χ Sagittarii (293.6) Deneb Okab (294.0), α Vulpeculae (294.9)
AL BALDAH, ALPHEKKA MERIDIANA (290.1), β Cor. Austr. (290.2)
January 5 6 7 (372) 8 9
'December 9 10 (344) 11 (*265) 12 LUCIA
Ga2-18 Ga2-19 Ga2-20 (50) Ga2-21 Ga2-22 Ga2-23
●APRIL 27 28 (118) 29 (*404) 30 ●MAY 1 2 (*42)
MAY 8 (*413) 9 10 (130) 11 12 13 (*53)
Ghost-23 Al Dhirā'-5 / Punarvasu-7 / Mash-mashu-Mahrū-11 ANA-TAHUA-VAHINE-O-TOA-TE-MANAVA α Monocerotis (115.4), σ Gemini (115.7) Mash-mashu-arkū-12 Azmidiske (117.4)
ρ GEMINI (112.1), Eskimo Nebula (112.2)


CASTOR (113.4) υ Gemini (114.0), Markab Puppis (114.7), ο Gemini (114.8), PROCYON (114.9) κ Gemini (116.1), POLLUX (116.2), π Gemini (116.9)
July 11 12 (193) 13 14 15 (196) 16
'June 14 15 16 17 (*88) 18 19
●OCTOBER 27 (300) 28 29 (*222) 30 31 ● NOVEMBER 1
NOV 7 (*231) 8 9 10 (314) 11 12
ν Aquilae (Ant.) (295.0), Albireo (295.5) μ Aquilae (296.3), ι Aquilae (Ant.) (296.8), κ Aquilae (Ant.) (296.9) ε Sagittae (297.1), σ Aquilae (Ant.) (297.4), Sham (297.8) β Sagittae (298.0), χ Aquilae (298.3), ψ Aquilae (298.8) υ Aquilae (299.1), Tarazed (299.3), δ Sagittae (299.6), π Aquilae (299.9) Sravana-23
ζ Sagittae (300.1), ALTAIR (300.3), ο Aquilae (300.5), Bezek (300.8)
January 10 11 12 (377) 13 14 15
'December 14 15 16 (350) 17 18 19
Ga2-24 Ga2-25 Ga2-26 Ga2-27 Ga2-28 Ga2-29 Ga3-1 (60)
●MAY 3 4 5 (125) 6 7 8 (*48) 9
MAY 14 15 16 (136) 17 18 19 20 (*60)
φ Gemini (118.4) Drus (119.9) ω Cancri (120.2) 8h (121.7) ρ Puppis (122.0), Heap of Fuel (122.1), ζ Monocerotis (122.3),  ψ Cancri (122.6), Regor (122.7) Tegmine (123.3) Al Tarf (124.3)

Ras Algethi

χ Gemini (121.0), NAOS (121.3)
July 17 18 19 (200) 20 21 7-22 23
'June 20 (*91) SOLSTICE 22 23 ST JOHN'S EVE 25 26 (177 = 6 * 29½)
●NOVEMBER 2 3 4 (308) 5 (*229) 6 7 8
NOVEMBER 13 14 (318) 15 16 (*240) 17 18 (322) 19
ι Sagittarii (301.2), Terebellum, ξ Aquilae (301.3), Alshain (301.6), φ Aquilae (301.8) ε Pavonis, θ Sagittarii (302.3), γ Sagittae (302.5), μ Pavonis (302.7) τ Aquilae (303.8) 20h (304.4) Shang Wei (305.2), θ Sagittae (305.4), Tseen Foo (305.6), ξ Capricorni (305.8) Tso Ke (306.3) Gredi (307.2), σ Capricorni (307.5), Alshat (307.9)
η Sagittae (304.2), δ Pavonis (304.4)
January 16 17 18 (383) 19 20 21 22
'December 20 SOLSTICE 22 23 X-MAS EVE 25 26 (*280)

It was not systematic trial and error which made me above abandon my method to document also the dates according to the Gregorian calendar and the dates according to the time of Bharani. Instead it was the survival of the fittest (the basic rule of life). These dates are not irrelevant but they would distract from keeping the proper focus.

When 'land' was drawn up (recreated) from the southwest (toga) it happened in early July about 13 days after the southern winter solstice. Nunki, which once had announced the 'sea' north of the equator, was here at the Full Moon which could be interpreted as the time when south of the equator the 'fish' should be 'landed'.

From July 4 (185) - at the fishhook in Ga2-11 - to July 22 (7-22) there were 18 days, i.e. Ga2-29 was around 13 + 18 = 31 days from the solstice. The glyph number at the fishhook is 59, which means the star position was 59 days after 0h at the time of the Hyades Gate. Ga2-29 probably alluded to the last day of February in a leap year:

'February 21 2-22 TERMINALIA 'March 20 0h 3-22
Ga1-30 CANOPUS Ga2-2 NAOS ρ Puppis Ga2-29 (59)
'May 27 28 (148) 5-29 'June 23 ST JOHN'S EVE 25 (176)

... Terminalia + 5 = 'February 28. Ga2-29 is not comparable to 'February 28 (59). It is 471 - 409 (Algenib Persei) + 59 = 121 (= 11 * 11) glyphs later than Terminalia. Or if we should count the empty glyph space at the beginning of side a the distance would be 122 (= 2 * 61). In rongorongo times Rei in Ga2-27 was 121 days after 0h.

If Ga2-29 should be counted only in leap-years, then the normal number of days on side a would be 229 - 1 = 228, where we can count 22 * 8 = 176 ('June 25).

436 (Gb7-26) - 59 (Ga2-29) = 377 (= 472 - 95) = 378 - 1:

... The ordinary year in the previous Roman calendar consisted of 12 months, for a total of 355 days. In addition, a 27-day intercalary month, the Mensis Intercalaris, was sometimes inserted between February and March. This intercalary month was formed by inserting 22 days after the first 23 or 24 days of February; the last five days of February, which counted down toward the start of March, became the last five days of Intercalaris. The net effect was to add 22 or 23 days to the year, forming an intercalary year of 377 or 378 days ...

Tegmine is ζ Cancri and the name seems to mean 'covering' - which would be appropriate if it was used only at leap-days. Al Tarf is β Cancri and its name indicates 'end'. Probably the creator of the glyph text meant this manu kake to be at a cardinal point and the 'bird' (the Sun) ought to climb beyond day 59 (or 60 in a leap year) ...

Caesar added 2 months to the earlier calendar which ought to have caused a change in how the months should be correlated with the stars. Without perceiving the precise consequences we can count: There were 27 precessional days from Roman times to the time of rongorongo and 27 + 61 (2 months) = 88 and 80 + 88 = 168 (June 17). And 'May 21 was 2 months (61 days) after 0h:

Ga1-22 Ga1-23 Ga1-24 Ga1-25 Ga1-26
●APRIL 1 (91) 2 3 (*13) 4 5 (460)
APRIL 12 13 14 (104) 15 (*25) 16 (471)
 μ Columbae, Saiph (86.5), τ Aurigae, ζ Leporis (86.6) υ Aurigae (87.1), ν Aurigae (87.2), Wezn, δ Leporis (87.7), Tze (87.9) Ardra-6 / ANA-VARU (8) η Leporis (89.0), Praja-pāti, Menkalinan, Mahashim, and γ Columbae (89.3), π Aurigae (89.4), η Columbae (89.7) μ Orionis (90.3), χ² Orionis (90.5)
χ¹ Orionis, ξ Aurigae (88.1), BETELGEUZE (88.3), ξ Columbae (88.5), σ Columbae (88.7)

Zuben Elgenubi

June 15 16 17 (168) 18 19
'May 19 20 21 22 23 (*63)
●OCTOBER 1 2 3 (*196) 4 (277) 5
OCTOBER 12 13 14 (*207) 15 (288) 16
Muliphen (269.0), Basanismus (269.5), Pherkard (269.9) Ptolemy Cluster (270.5) Rukbalgethi Genubi (271.1), ξ Herculis (271.5), Etamin, ν Herculis (271.7), ν Ophiuchi (271.8) ζ Serpentis (272.4), τ Ophiuchi (272.9) Winnowing Basket-7
18h (273.4)
NASH (273.7), θ Arae (273.8)
December 15 16 (350) 17 18 19 (*273)
'November 18 19 20 21 22 (*246)

Atariki (the shadow king) at Betelgeuze was the beginning of the Egyptian X and in Ga2-29 we can therefore imagine him turned upside down. We could think of Procyon as his successor, rising up from Columba Noachi - his successor being the wife (ana tahua vahine) of toa te manava (the man at the belly).

atariki Ga2-29 (59)

... the oak had made trouble right from the start. When (in the second rune of the Kalevala) Sämpsä Pellervoinen had sowed trees, it was the oak alone that would not grow until four or five lovely maidens from the water, and a hero from the ocean, had cleared the ground with fire and planted an acorn in the ashes; and once it had started, the growth of the tree could not be stopped:

And the summit rose to heaven // And its leaves in air expanded, // In their course the clouds it hindered, // And the driving clouds impeded, // And it hid the shining sunlight, // And the gleaming of the moonlight.

Then the aged Väinömoinen, // Pondered deeply and reflected, // 'Is there none to fell the oak-tree, // And o'erthrow the tree majestic? // Sad is now the life of mortals, // And for fish to swim is dismal, // Since the air is void of sunlight, // And the gleaming of the moonlight.'

'One sought above in the sky, below in the lap of the earth', as we are informed by variants, but then Väinömoinen asked his divine mother for help.

Then a man arose from ocean // From the waves a hero started, // Not the hugest of the hugest, // Not the smallest of the smallest. // As a man's thumb was his stature; // Lofty as the span of woman.

The 'puny man from the ocean', whose 'hair reached down to his heels, the beard to his knees', announces, 'I have come to fell the oak tree / And to splinter it to fragments'.

And so he does. In several variants the oak is said to have fallen over the Northland River, so as to form the bridge into the abode of the dead. Holmberg (quoted by Lauri Honko, 'Finnen', Wb. Myth., p. 369) took the oak for the Milky Way ...