My list for the Babylonian ecliptic stations has so far not been completed; there is a gap between number 8 and 12 and another between 13 and 16:
Both 8 and 12 are in Gemini and according to Allen there were 5 Twin stations:
From Tejat Prior (8) to Ascellus Australis (13) there were 211 (July 30) - 173 (June 22) = 38 (= 2 * 19) days. From Ascellus Australis (13) to day 271 (September 28) - at Porrima (19) - there were 271 - 211 (July 30) = 60 days. These 60 resemble the central feathers on the chest of Merope:
60 days had to be added to 7 months in order to reach 9 months. 210 + 60 = 270 = 9 * 30. 38 (2 * 19) + 60 = 98 = 2 * (7 * 7). This exercise should now be completed by listing also the 14th and 15th Babylonian ecliptic stations:
From April 6 (96) to October 9 (282) there were 186 days, which equals 372 / 2 = 6 * 31. From this perspective the center appears to be not in the middle between spring and autumn equinox but at Spica (Ana-roto, Middle Pillar).
Although a quarter of the precessional cycle ago the 'Mouth of the Twins' would have been at the northern spring equinox and Spica would have risen with the Sun in day 282 - 91 = 191 = 111 days after 0h. |