Once upon a time Aries represented the high clear sky and the Goat the other side of the year - when rain poured down from above and 'sky and earth were in close embrace': ![]() ... They were Ranginui, the Sky Father, and Papatuanuku, the Earth Mother, both sealed together in a close embrace. Crushed between the weight of their bodies were their many children, whose oppression deepened. They yearned to be free; they fought their parents and each other to break loose. Tuumatauenga, virile god of war, thrust and shouted; Tangaroa of the oceans whirled and surged; Tawhirirangimaatea howled with many raging winds; Haumiatiketike and Rongomatane, of wild foods and cultivated crops tried their best but were not successful; and Ruamoko, god of earthquakes, yet to be born, struggled in the confinement of his mother's womb. Of them all, Taane Mahuta, the god of the forests, was the most determined; he set his sturdy feet upon his father's chest, and braced his upper back and shoulders against the bosom of his mother. He pushed; and they parted. So the world; as the Maori understand it; came into being ... A new world with fresh air to breathe was created by pushing the confined space (pa) vertically apart and this event may have been illustrated by the glyph type koti:
Perhaps there should in principle be no visible stars earlier than the pair of the Hyadum gate. Beid ('the Egg', ο¹ Eridani) was barely noticeable (4.04). The G text begins here, after the breaking apart (koti) of Sky and Earth. In Ca3-9, day 60 beyond 0h (May 20), the 'hairy' part of the year was at left and in front (ahead) was summer beeing born (hanau), and the arms were held high in a greeting gesture 324 (= 464 - 140) days later a 'horizontal break in time' with the low hairy part of the year in front was - I suggest - illustrated in Ca14-21:
This was in April 8 and 100 nights after night 364 (December 30). However, by counting the year as 366 nights a final should have come with April 10 (100). April is month 4 and 4 * 100 = 400. Or perhaps we should count with 8 dark nights (from April 9 to the end of side a) before a new world could arrive. This was time and again visualized by Venus who returned as Morning Star after 8 nights absence from her Evening Star appearance: