All these details threaten to drown us. We ought
to once again look at the G tablet. Here there
is no necessity to increase the positions of the
stars with 1 step to be in parallel with the
glyphs, because I went directly from heliacal
stars to glyphs (via Aldebaran and Antares)
instead of from dates to glyphs.
My assumed bridge across from C to G was from
Cb1-6 to Gb7-30:
'September 25 (268) |
Cb1-6 |
Gb7-30 |
But then there was also Ca1-6 to consider, the
composition of which could be more 'in tune' with that in Gb7-30:
a |
5 |
Ca1-6 |
Ca1-7 |
Ca1-8 |
b |
5 |
Cb1-6 (398) |
Cb1-7 |
Cb1-8 |
There are plenty of feathers also in
Gb1-6--8, but evidently in a vertical rather than
horizontal context:
Gb1-1 |
Gb1-2 |
Gb1-3 |
Gb1-4 |
Gb1-5 |
Gb1-9 |
Gb1-10 |
Gb1-11 |
Gb1-12 |
Gb1-13 |
In Gb1-13 the head is turned
backwards as a consequence rotating 180º.
Inwards eating gestures (kai) in
front and at the back can
be contrasted with outward 'eyes' (mata)
in Cb1-13:
Cb1-9 |
Cb1-10 |
Cb1-11 (403) |
Cb1-12 |
Cb1-13 (405) |
hiko o tea - ka higa te ao
ko te henua ra ma te hoi atua |
manu rere - kua rere ga
manu - ki te ragi |
eaha te nuku erua |
In G
there is a pair of manu rere figures
(8 glyphs apart) and they have undulating
wings, as if the birds wanted to get rid of
Gb1-10 clearly
demonstrates how the head high up in front has
disappeared. Cb1-10 clearly shows its
return. Many signs are apparently inverted.
instance has rakau in Gb1-8 not 2
upside down great feathers in front (as
rakau in Cb1-6) but 2 right side up
'canoes' at left.
Counting strings emerging from rakau
in Gb1-8 we will find 1 + (5 + 6) = 12. Counting
emerging strings in the 'tree' in Cb1-6 we
find 1 + 10 + 1 = 12.
Earlier I assigned heliacal star positions as follows:
41 |
Ga7-15 (185) |
Ga7-16 |
Ga7-17 (*250) |
Ga7-18 |
Ga7-19 |
ψ Ophiuchi (247.7), ρ Ophiuchi
(248.1), Kajam (248.3) |
χ Ophiuchi (248.5), She Low (248.7),
(249.1) |
Marfik, φ Ophiuchi (249.5), ω
Ophiuchi (249.8), σ Herculis (250.3) |
τ Scorpii (250.7), Han (251.0) |
ζ Herculis (252.1) |
Gb1-1 (231) |
Gb1-2 |
Gb1-3 (*296) |
Gb1-4 |
Gb1-5 |
Deneb Okab (294.0) |
Albireo (295.5) |
Sham (297.8) |
Gb1-6 (236) |
Gb1-7 (*300) |
Gb1-8 |
Tarazed (299.3) |
Altair (300.3) |
Gb1-9 |
Gb1-10 (240) |
Gb1-11 |
Gb1-12 |
Gb1-13 (*306) |
Alshain (301.6), ε Pavonis (302.3) |
μ Pavonis (302.7) |
δ Pavonis (304.4) |
ξ Capricorni (305.8) |
By using the same method as
in C for positioning the stars and then
adding those which were listed later we can
rearrange stars and glyphs as follows:
Gb1-1 (231) |
Gb1-2 |
Gb1-3 (*296) |
Gb1-4 |
Gb1-5 |
Deneb Okab (294.0), α Vulpeculae
(294.9) |
ν Aquilae (Ant.) (295.0), Albireo
(295.5) |
μ Aquilae (296.3), ι Aquilae (Ant.)
(296.8), κ Aquilae (Ant.) (296.9) |
ε Sagittae (297.1), σ Aquilae (Ant.)
(297.4), Sham (297.8) |
β Sagittae (298.0), χ Aquilae
(298.3), ψ Aquilae (298.8) |
Gb1-6 (236) |
Gb1-7 (*300) |
Gb1-8 |
υ Aquilae (299.1),
(299.3), δ Sagittae (299.6), π
Aquilae (299.9) |
Sravana-23 |
ι Sagittarii (301.2), Terebellum, ξ
Aquilae (301.3),
(301.6), φ Aquilae (301.8) |
ζ Sagittae (300.1),
(300.3), ο Aquilae (300.5), Bezek
(300.8) |
Gb1-9 |
Gb1-10 (240) |
Gb1-11 |
Gb1-12 |
Gb1-13 (*306) |
ε Pavonis, θ Sagittarii (302.3), γ
Sagittae (302.5), μ Pavonis (302.7) |
τ Aquilae (303.8) |
η Sagittae (304.2), δ Pavonis
(304.4) |
Shang Wei (305.2), θ Sagittae
(305.4), Tseen Foo (305.6), ξ
Capricorni (305.8) |
Tso Ke (306.3) |