We have found number 268 to be connected with the times of
Al Sharatain and number 290 to be connected with rongorongo times:
'March 25 |
26 (85) |
27 (452) |
24 |
25 (268) |
26 |
April 21
(111) |
22 (478) |
23 |
October 21 |
22 (295) |
23 |
Cb1-5 |
Cb1-6 |
Cb1-7 (399) |
η Arietis (31.9) |
no star listed (32) |
θ Arietis (33.3), Mira
(33.7) |
Neck-2 |
Ghafr-13 /
ι Lupi, 18
Bootis (216.3), Khambalia (216.4), υ Virginis (216.5), ψ
Centauri (216.6), ε Apodis (216.8) |
14 Bootis (214.8) |
15 Bootis
(215.4), Asellus Secundus (215.5),
λ Bootis (215.6), η Apodis (215.8) |
I have suggested the primary reading of the C
text relates to the time when the Sun and the star map were
still in harmony, when the First Point of Aries indeed was at
Number 268 is one more piece of evidence,
because this number also determined a part of the text, viz. the
difference between the total number of glyphs and 472:
266 |
470 |
Cb1-10 |
Cb12-3 |
Cb12-4 |
Cb1-9 |
268 |
472 |
740 |
Earlier I thought the heliacal stars
ruled the dates also on side b of the C tablet, but now
it seems quite possible we should let the nakshatra stars
determine the dates. Or
should they be used only up to the beginning of the sequence
with 268 glyphs?
'September 28 (at Cb1-9) can be
thought of as 7-28 and 72 * 8 = 576 = 24 * 24:
Fomalhaut (the Mouth of the Fish)
culminated here, in 'September 28 (respectively
in October 25). 72 * 8 = 576 = 4 * 144 and 82 *
5 = 210 = 7 * 30. 144 + 210 = 354 = 12 * 29½.

The clouds of the Phoenix came
just afterwards, even further down south.
I think it is reasonable to
continue with the nakshatra view at least to the
end of the glyph line - which has 24 glyphs:
'April 1 (91) |
2 |
3 (459) |
'October 1 (274) |
2 |
3 |
April 28 |
29 |
30 (120) |
October 28 (301) |
29 |
30 |
Cb1-12 |
Cb1-13 (405) |
Cb1-14 |
manu rere - kua
rere ga manu - ki te ragi |
eaha te nuku erua |
koia kua huki |
Arietis (38.5) |
Arietis (39.4),
Head of the
Fly (39.6), Kaffaljidhma
(39.8) |
Arietis (40.0), Angetenar (40.2),
Right Wing
(40.9) |
ρ Lupi (221.0), Toliman (221.2), π
Bootis (221.8), ζ Bootis (221.9) |
31 Bootis (222.0), Yang Mun (222.1),
Rijl al Awwa
(222.5), ο Bootis (222.9) |
Izar (223.0), 109 Virginis, α Apodis
(223.3) |
'April 7 |
8 (464) |
9 (99) |
'October 7 (280) |
8 |
9 |
May 4
(490) |
5 (125) |
6 |
November 3 |
4 (308) |
5 |
Cb1-18 |
Cb1-19 (411) |
Cb1-20 |
manu moe ra |
ki to mata |
e nuku mata |
Menkar (44.7) |
3h (45.7) |
(46.2), Botein (46.9) |
(45.9) |
Nadlat (227.8), π Lupi (227.9) |
15h (228.3) |
ι Librae (229.6), κ Lupi (229.7), ζ
Lupi (229.8) |
Zuben Hakrabim (228.3), λ Lupi
(228.9) |
'April 10 (100) |
11 |
12 (468) |
13 |
'October 10 |
11 |
12 (285) |
13 |
May 7 |
8 |
9 |
10 (130) |
November 6 |
7 |
8 |
9 (313) |
Cb1-21 (413) |
Cb1-22 |
Cb1-23 |
Cb1-24 |
hoea |
ko te rima |
kua oo ki te
vai |
ma te ua |
Arietis (47.7) |
Zibal (48.0) |
Arietis (49.7) |
Algenib Persei (50.0), ο Tauri
(50.2), ξ Tauri (50.8)
Al Zubānā-14b |
μ Lupi, γ Tr. Austr. (231.3) |
ο Cor. Borealis (232.0), δ
Lupi (232.1), φ¹, ν² Lupi
(232.2), ν¹ Lupi (232.3), ε Lupi
(232.4), φ² Lupi (232.5),
Pherkad (232.6), η Cor. Borealis
(232.8), υ Lupi (232.9) |
(233.1) |
χ Bootis (230.2), χ Bootis
(230.3), Princeps (230.6),
(230.8) |
At Cb1-21 the glyph
number 413 suggests 7 * 59 and 'October
10 can be read as 8-10, i.e. as an
allusion to day 80 (the northern spring
The last 3 glyphs in the
line seem to describe a new birth,
beyond the Claws of the Scorpion. 285
('October 12) pairs up with 80 in order
to reach 365. And the fraction in Cb1-24
could represent ¼.
was the Arabian adaptation of
used by Hesychios for the Herdsman's
Club, Crook, or Staff, analogous to the
Ρόπλον of Hyginus and the
Clava of the Latins." (Allen)
