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Maybe we should count beyond Cb1-11 - which shows a bird with its tail drawn as an empty downwards oriented hand, perhaps a Sign of how below (south of the equator) there are no 'fire fingers' remaining - because the glyph number is 403:

April 21 (111) 22 23
Cb1-5 Cb1-6 Cb1-7 (399)
no star listed η Arietis (31.9) θ Arietis (33.3) Mira (33.7)
October 22 (295) 23 24
Svāti-15 / Neck-2 / A3 / T6 Al Ghafr-13 ψ Centauri (216.6), ε Apodis (216.8)
Asellus Tertius, κ VIRGINIS, 14 Bootis (214.8), 15 Bootis (215.2) ARCTURUS (215.4), Asellus Secundus (215.5) SYRMA, λ Bootis (215.6), η Apodis (215.8), ι Lupi, 18 Bootis (216.3), Khambalia (216.4), υ Virginis (216.5)
April 24 25 26 (116) 27
Cb1-8 Cb1-9 Cb1-10 Cb1-11 (403)
ξ Arietis (35.0) no stars listed ν Arietis (38.5)
October 25 26 27 (300) 28
Asellus Primus (217.8), τ Lupi (218.1) φ Virginis (218.7), σ Lupi (219.1), ρ Bootis (219.5) Haris (219.7). σ Bootis (220.2), η Centauri (220.4) ρ Lupi (221.0), Toliman (221.2)
rutua - te pahu - rutua te maeva - atua rerorero - atua hiko ura - hiko o tea - ka higa te ao ko te henua ra ma te hoi atua

The very bright Toliman (α Centauri) would in April 27, when close to the Full Moon, have informed the Easter Islanders that north of the equator it was spring:

Toliman is at the right front hoof of the Centaur, not the last star to rise in the constellation because 5 days later rose κ Centauri - with a name equal to that of β Lupi which rose in the same day:

Therefore we can see that κ Centauri must be at the right forearm of the Centaur.

The glyph number for Toliman is the same as the glyph number for what I think is a position of Sirius in the G tablet:

Gb6-17 Gb6-18 Gb6-19 Gb6-20 (403) Cb1-11 (403)
 no star listed ν Puppis (99.2), ψ3 Aurigae (99.4), ψ2 Aurigae (99.5) ψ4 Aurigae (100.5) Mebsuta (100.7), Sirius (101.2), ψ5 Aurigae (101.4) 120.0 ρ Lupi (221.0), Toliman (221.2)
June 27 28 29 30 (181) 300 April 27 (117)

This is as close to a 'proof' that I have so far found for securing glyph numbers, stars, dates, etc.

From heliacal Sirius in June 30 (181) to heliacal Toliman in day 221 + 80 = 301 (October 28) there are 301 - 181 = 120 days or ⅓ of a year with 360 days.

In April 27 Toliman was close to the Full Moon, which for those on Easter Island ought to have been a Sign of the dark time ahead. The bird in Cb1-11 has its beak closed and the right-handed 'fire finger' tail is down in the southwest (toga). The glyph type is moa, which normally is drawn as a cock crying out (moa ohoa) at the first light of dawn in the northeast

Cb1-11 moa

Poultry (general term); moa to'a, rooster; moa taga, chicken, moa rikiriki, chick; moa tarapiko, old rooster (with much twisted spurs - tara ); moa gao verapaka, chicken with bald neck; moa va'e verevere, with feathers on its legs; moa pipipipi with multicoloured spots; moa garahurahu, colour of dark ashes; moa tea, white; moa totara, frizzy; moa tu'a ivi raá, with bright yellow back. Vanaga.

Fowl; moa toa, cock; moa uha, hen; moa ohoa, crowing of cocks; moa manua, wild fowl; moa herea, tame fowl. P Pau.: moa, domestic fowl. Mgv.: moa, cock. Mq.: moa, hen. Ta.: moa, cock, hen. Churchill.

Mgv.: Aka-moa, to cook. Mq.: haamoa, id. To.: moa, dried. Ha.: moa, to dry, to roast. Mgv.: Moaga, 1. a red beard. Mq.: moaka, very red. 2. a fish. Mq.: moana, id. Sa.: moaga, id. Ha.: moana, a red fish. Mgv.: Moake, east wind. Ha.: moae, the northeast tradewind. Churchill.