The way to read the text is uncertain, it could be we should simultaneously think of what star rose with the Sun and which stars were close to the Full Moon in the night. Such a method would improve the odds for a correct interpretation.
August 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 (225) |
Cb6-1 (508) |
Cb6-2 |
Cb6-3 |
Cb6-4 |
E haga o tere hia - te manu |
manu gutu pao hia - tagata |
te marama |
Al Minhar al Asad (141.6), Alphard (142.3) |
Al Tarf |
A Hydrae (144.1) |
Ukdah (145.4), κ Hydrae (145.5) |
ω Leonis (142.6), τ¹ Hydrae (142.7), ψ Velorum (143.3), ALTERF, τ² Hydrae (143.4), ξ Leonis (143.5) |
February 10 |
11 |
12 (408) |
13 |
Al Sa'd al Su'ud / Emptiness |
Castra (327.2), Bunda (327.5) |
Nashira (328.0) |
Azelfafage, κ Capricorni (328.7), Enif, Erakis (329.2), Jih, 46 Capricorni (329.3), ι Piscis Austrini (329.4) |
Alphirk (325.7), SADALSUD (325.9) |
August 14 (591) |
15 |
16 (228) |
Cb6-5 (512) |
Cb6-6 |
Cb6-7 |
ihe tamaiti |
kotia - te hokohuki |
kava haati |
Subra (145.8), ψ Leonis (146.4) |
Ras Elaset Australis (146.6) |
Vathorz Prior (147.9), υ¹ Hydrae (148.4) |
February 14 |
15 |
16 (412) |
λ Capricorni (329.6), ν Cephei (329.7), Deneb Algiedi (329.8), θ Piscis Austrini (330.1) |
Kuh (331.4) |
no star listed |
August 17 |
18 (230) |
19 |
20 |
Cb6-8 |
Cb6-9 |
Cb6-10 |
Cb6-11 |
kiore |
te hokohuki |
kua tu te rau
hei |
te moko - te hokohuki |
Ras Elaset Borealis
(148.7) |
Tseen Ke (149.9), ν
Leonis (150.1) |
π Leonis (150.6) |
Al Jabhah
(10h,152.2) |
υ² Hydrae (151.8),
AL JABHAH (152.4) |
February 17 |
18 |
19 |
20 (416) |
η Piscis Austrini (333.4) |
Kae Uh (334.0), Al Kurhah (334.4) |
22h (334.8) |
Woo (335.7), Baham, τ Piscis
Austrini (335.8), ζ Cephei (336.2), λ Cephei (336.3) |
Sadalmelik (334.6), ι Aquarii, ν
Pegasi (334.7), ι Pegasi (335.0), Alnair (335.1), μ Piscis
Austrini, υ Piscis Austrini (335.3) |
August 21 |
22 |
23 (235) |
Cb6-12 |
Cb6-13 (520) |
Cb6-14 |
tu te rau hei |
hakahonui raua |
Maghā |
no star listed |
Adhafera, Tania
Borealis, Simiram (154.7), Algieba, q Carinae (155.5) |
REGULUS (152.7),
λ Hydrae (153.2) |
February 21 |
22 (418) |
23 (Terminalia) |
Lac. (336.7), λ Piscis Austrini (336.8), ε Cephei
(337.2), 1/325 Lac. (337.3), Ancha
(337.4) |
α Tucanae (337.9), ρ Aquarii
(338.2), 2/365 Lac. (338.5) |
Al Sa'ad al Ahbiyah
/ Shatabisha |
SADACHBIA (338.6), β/172 Lac. (339.2), 4/1100 Lac. (339.4), π Aquarii
(339.5) |
Castor (419) |
August 24 |
25 (237) |
26 |
27 |
Cb6-15 |
Cb6-16 |
Cb6-17 |
Cb6-18 (525) |
kiore |
hokohuki |
te rau hei |
te moko e te hokohuki |
Tania Australis
(156.0) |
μ Hydrae (157.1) |
no star listed |
Shir (158.9), p
Carinae (159.3) |
24 (Bissextum) |
25 |
26 (422) |
27 |
δ Tucanae (340.1), ρ Cephei (340.2), ζ Aquarii (340.4), Alrediph
(340.5) |
6/650 Lac. (340.9), α/91 Lac. (341.1), Homan, β Piscis
Austrini (341.2), ν Tucanae (341.5) |
Aquarii (341.9), η Aquarii (342.1) |
Situla (342.7), ε Piscis Austrini (343.5) |
The Hindu system had its 25th station ruled by Sadachbia (γ Aquarii), a star which in rongorongo times rose with the Sun in February 23, when at midnight Castor culminated.
25 |
Shatabisha |
γ Aquarii |
Empty circle, 1000 flowers or stars |
339 = 314 + 25 |
comprising a hundred physicians |
Sadachbia |
Feb 23(419) |
26 |
Purva Bhādrapadā |
α (Markab) and β Pegasi (Scheat) |
Swords or two front legs of funeral cot, man with two faces |
350 = 339 + 11 |
the first of the blessed feet |
Markab |
March 5 (430) |
27 |
Uttara Bhādrapadā |
γ Pegasi (Algenib) and α Andromedae (Sirrah) |
Twins, back legs of funeral cot, snake in the water |
368 = 350 + 18 |
the second of the blessed feet |
Algenib |
March 23 (448) |
28 |
Revati |
ζ Piscium |
Fish or a pair of fish, drum |
384 = 368 + 16 |
prosperous |
Revati |
Apr 8 (464) |
February was the last part of the old year, a dark season, which could explain the moko glyphs (because lizards tend to hide down in the earth).
August 28 |
29 |
30 (242) |
Cb6-19 |
Cb6-20 |
Cb6-21 (528) |
tupu te mea ke |
φ Hydrae (160.3) |
no star listed |
Vathorz Posterior
(162.1) |
February 28 |
29 (425) |
March 1 |
Pegasi (343.8), Matar (344.2) |
Leap night |
Pegasi (345.0), ξ Pegasi (345.1) |
The correction
of the position of the stars in the night by inserting a leap day at
February 29 means that e.g. λ Pegasi (345.0) will be at March 1 (day 60
in an ordinary year but day 61 in a leap year). My method to here count also
February 29 will furthermore change the rule to add 184 into a rule to
add 183. For instance is 162 + 183 = 345.
Likewise will
the rule to add 80 to the RA day no longer reach the correct Gregorian
date. We have to add 81. August 30 (242) - 80 = 162, but March 1 (426) -
81 = 345.
But we can
continue to add 184 for the calendar dates, e.g. 242 + 184 = 426.
August 31 |
September 1 |
2 (245) |
3 |
4 |
Cb6-22 |
Cb6-23 (530) |
Cb6-24 |
Cb6-25 |
Cb6-26 |
kotia hia |
te kava tu |
kiore |
tu te ika |
te moko e te
hokohuki |
Peregrini, η Carinae
(162.6), ν Hydrae (163.1) |
no stars listed |
Alkes (165.6), Merak
(166.2) |
11h (167.4) |
Dubhe (166.7) |
March 2 |
3 |
4 (429) |
5 |
6 |
τ Aquarii
(345.7), μ Pegasi (345.9), ι Cephei (346.0), λ Aquarii, γ Piscis
Austrini, σ Pegasi (346.5) |
Scheat Aquarii (347.0), ρ
Pegasi (347.2), δ Piscis Austrini (347.4) |
Fomalhaut (347.8), Fum al Samakah (348.3) |
Al Fargh al Mukdim /
Purva Bhādrapadā |
23h (350.0) |
Pegasi, π Piscis Austrini (349.3), MARKAB
PEGASI (349.5) |
no star listed |
September 5 |
6 |
7 (250) |
8 |
9 |
Cb6-27 |
Cb6-28 |
Cb6-29 (536) |
Cb7-1 |
Cb7-2 |
kua tupu te
kihikihi |
ku kikiu |
te henua |
Te hokohuki |
te moko |
no star listed |
Al Zubrah /
Purva Phalguni |
Alula (170.5) |
Labrum (170.6) |
λ Crateris (171.6), ε Crateris (171.9), γ Crateris, π Centauri
(172.0), κ Crateris (172.5) |
Al Sharas (168.6),
COXA (169.4) |
March 7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 (436) |
π Cephei (350.6) |
Simmah (351.7), φ Aquarii
(352.0), ψ Aquarii (352.4) |
χ Aquarii (352.6), γ Tucanae
(352.8), ο Cephei (353.3) |
Kerb (353.6), κ Piscium
(354.2), θ Piscium (354.4) |
υ Pegasi (354.9) |
The old man who has fallen on his face could refer to
March 7 rather than to September 5. From his ashes (te kihikihi)
new growths are coming. They come from his joints (neck, knees, and ankles). At
right ascension 23h (the preceding day) we can count 62 * 6 = 372, which
perhaps points at January 7:
July 10
(191) |
August 14 (591) |
Ca5-6 (111) |
Cb6-5 (512) |
ihe tamaiti |
ihe tamaiti |
(111.1) |
(145.8), ψ Leonis (146.4) |
January 7 |
February 14 (45) |
ψ Sagittarii (291.6), θ
Lyrae (291.8) |
λ Capricorni (329.6), ν
Cephei (329.7), Deneb Algiedi (329.8), θ Piscis Austrini
(330.1) |