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There are 7 more stars in the Sagitta constellation. (What looks like an omikron star, ο, in the map below is not mentioned in the list of Wikipedia, nor anywhere else where I have looked).

ε 19h 37m 17.38s 19h 37.230m 298.1
Sham 19h 40m 05.78s 19h 40.096m 298.8
β 19h 41m 02.93s 19h 41.049m 299.0
δ 19h 47m 23.27s 19h 47.388m 300.6
ζ 19h 48m 58.65s 19h 48.978m 301.1
γ 19h 58m 45.39s 19h 58.757m 303.5
η 20h 05m 09.47s 20h 05.158m 305.2
θ 20h 09m 56.61s 20h 09.944m 306.4
Ardra 23 24 (85) 25 Punarvasu 1
Heka 1 2 3 4 (57)
July 9 10 11 12 (193)
Cb4-13 Cb4-14 (477) Cb4-15 Cb4-16
manu pao i te hau tea - kua tu manu rere ki te hau tea - kua tu manu rere ki te hau tea kiore - henua
Wasat (109.8) Aludra (111.1) Gomeisa (111.6), ρ Gemini (112.1) Castor (113.4)
U. Ashadha 7 8 9 (270) 10
January 9 10 11 12 (377)
Shaula 7 8 9 (240) 10
χ Sagittarii (293.6), Deneb Okab (294.0) Albireo (295.5) no star listed ε Sagittae (297.1)
Punarvasu 2 3 4 (90) 5
Heka 5 6 7 (60) 8
July 13 14 15 (196) 16
Cb4-17 (480) Cb4-18 Cb4-19 Cb4-20
erua marama tagata noho i to mea kua vaha
no star listed Markab Puppis (114.7), Procyon (114.9) σ Gemini (115.7), Pollux (116.2) Azmidiske (117.4)
U. Ashadha 11 Sravana 1 2 3 (275)
January 13 (378) 14 15 16
Shaula 11 12 13 (244) Al Naam 1
Sham (297.7), β Sagittae (298.0) Tarazed (299.3) δ Sagittae (299.6), ζ Sagittae (300.1),  Altair (300.3) ι Sagittarii, Terebellum (301.2)
Punarvasu 6 7 8 (94)
Heka 9 10 11 (64)
July 17 18 19 (200)
Cb4-21 Cb4-22 (485) Cb4-23
te moa tagata - te maro te tagata
no stars listed Drus (119.9)
Sravana 4 5 (277) 6
January 17 18 (383) 19
Al Naam 2 3 4 (248)
Alshain (301.6), ε Pavonis, θ Sagittarii (302.3), γ Sagittae (302.5) μ Pavonis (302.7) 20h (304.4)
η Sagittae (304.2), δ Pavonis (304.5)
Punarvasu 9 10 (96) 11
Heka 12 (65) 13 Alhena 1
July 20 21 (202) 22
Cb5-1 Cb5-2 (488) Cb5-3
Te ragi tagata - ragi kua hakagana - ki te maro
Naos (121.3), ρ Puppis (122.0) 8h (121.7) Regor (122.7), Tegmine (123.3)
Heap of Fuel (122.1)
Sravana 7 8 (280) 9
January 20 (385) 21 22
Al Naam 5 (249) 6 7
Shang Wei (305.2), θ Sagittae (305.4)  ξ Capricorni (305.8) Gredi (307.2), σ Capricorni (307.5)

Above I have provisionally kept the manzil dates of Wikipedia and also my rule of 184 days' difference between the heliacal and the corresponding nakshatra dates.


"Sagitta, the Arrow, the French Flèche, the German Pfeil, and the Italian Saetta, lies in the Milky Way, directly north of Aquila and south of Cygnus, pointing eastward; and, although ancient, is insignificant, for it has no star larger than the 4th magnitude, and none is named.

It has occasionally been drawn as held in the Eagle's talons, for the bird was arrow-bearer to Jove; but Eratosthenes described it separately, as Aratos had done, and as it now is on our maps ..."

Hevelius inserted a new constellation, the Fox (Vulpecula) between the Eagle (Aquila) and the upside down Swan (Cygnus).

However, his construction does not appear to be of much value and I will not, at least for the moment, include its stars in my list.