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The 4th (or 18th) glyph line is not beginning with July 1 but with Gregorian day 177 + 1 = June 27 and after the heliacal rising of Canopus:

Ardra 9 10 11 (72) 12
Albatain 13 (40) Al Tuwaibe' 1 2 3
June 25 26 (177) 27 28
Cb3-21 Cb3-22 Cb4-1 (464) Cb4-2
manu rere i te taketake te henua - mau i te taketake manu rere kiore - henua
Canopus (95.6), ψ1 Aurigae (95.9) no stars listed ν Puppis (99.2), ψ3 Aurigae (99.4), ψ2 Aurigae (99.5)
Purva Ashadha 4 5 6 (256) 7
Dercember 26 (360) 27 28 29
Qalb al Akraab 2 3 (225) 4 5
ν Pavonis (280.4) κ Cor. Austr. (280.9), θ Cor. Austr. (281.0) Vega (281.8) ζ Pavonis (283.4)
Ardra 13 14 15 16 17 (78)
Al Tuwaibe' 4 5 6 (46) 7 8
June 29 30 July 1 2 3 (184)
Cb4-3 Cb4-4 Cb4-5 (468) Cb4-6 Cb4-7
te hakaua te henua te Rei te ua kiore - henua
ψ4 Aurigae (100.5) Mebsuta (100.7), Sirius (101.2), ψ5 Aurigae (101.4) ν Gemini (101.6), ψ6 Aurigae (101.7), τ Puppis (102.2), ψ7 Aurigae (102.4) ψ8 Aurigae (103.2) Alhena (103.8), ψ9 Aurigae (103.9)
P. Ashadha 8 9 10 (260) 11 U. Ashadha 1
Dercember 30 31 January 1 2 3 (368)
Qalb al Akraab 6 7 8 (230) 9 Shaula 1
λ Cor. Austr. (283.6), Double Double (283.7), ζ Lyrae (283.8), φ Sagittarii (284.0) μ Cor. Austr. (284.6), η Cor. Austr., θ Pavonis (284.8), Sheliak, ν Lyrae (285.1) λ Pavonis (285.7), Ain al Rami (286.2), δ Lyrae (286.3), κ Pavonis (286.5) Alya (286.6), ξ Sagittarii (287.1), ω Pavonis (287.3), Sulaphat, ε Cor. Austr. (287.4) λ Lyrae (287.7), Ascella (287.9), Nunki (288.4), ζ Cor. Austr. (288.5)

The ruling stars of Gemini may have been Alhena (the 'Mark', γ), which rose in July 3 (184), and Pollux (the immortal of the twins, β) in July 15 (196).

At the same time a knowing observer in the night could have seen how the stars at the end of 'Land', Ascella and Nunki (ζ respectively σ Sagittarii) took over at the beginning of the nakshatra Uttara Ashadha.

But the long Ardra nakshatra, where Sun was in the daytime, continued:

Ardra 18 19 (80) 20 21 22
Al Tuwaibe' 9 10 11 12 (52) 13
July 4 (185) 5 6 7 8
Cb4-8 Cb4-9 Cb4-10 (473) Cb4-11 Cb4-12
manu mau kai rere ki te kai ka kake ki te kai hakavari te gao o te manu kiore  henua
Adara (104.8), ω Gemini (105.4) Alzirr (105.7), Muliphein (105.8) 7h (106.5) no stars listed
Wezen (107.1)
U. Ashadha 2 3 4 (265) 5 6
January 4 5 6 7 (372) 8
Shaula 2 3 4 5 (236) 6
19h (289.2) δ Cor. Austr. (289.8), Al Baldah, Alphekka Meridiana (290.1), β Cor. Austr. (290.2) Aladfar (291.1), Nodus II (291.5) ψ Sagittarii (291.6), θ Lyrae (291.8)  ρ Sagittarii (292.6), υ Sagittarii (292.7), Arkab Prior (293.0), Arkab Posterior, Alrami (293.2)
Manubrium (288.8), γ Cor. Austr (289.3), τ Sagittarii (289.4), ι Lyrae (289.5)

Probably Metoro here alluded to kahi (the 'Tuna') with his kai:

... Rangitokona, prop up the heaven! // Rangitokona, prop up the morning! // The pillar stands in the empty space.

The thought [memea] stands in the earth-world - // Thought stands also in the sky.

The kahi stands in the earth-world - // Kahi stands also in the sky.

The pillar stands, the pillar - // It ever stands, the pillar of the sky.

Then for the first time was there light between the Sky and the Earth; the world existed ...

There should be a 'pillar' (ana) pushing the sky up where light ('Land') is returning. Wezen (the 'Weight', δ Canis Majoris) had possibly the position of the 'Kahi'. Probably the measure 107 days after March 21 was a significant date. A lead weight hanging down (like a tuna with its head down) could be contrasted with Nodus II (δ Draconis) high up in the night sky.

Anciently (taketake) the Dove of Noah (Phakt, α Columbae) was returning with a Sign of 'the year in leaf' in her beak, which meant Wezen at the back of Canis Majoris was not far in front:

Mrigashīrsha 3 4 (60) 5
Albatain 2 3 (30) 4
June 14 (165) 15 (531) 16
Cb3-10 Cb3-11 (452) Cb3-12
te taketake henua kiore - henua
Alnitak, Phakt (Phaet), (84.7) γ Leporis (85.9), μ Columbae (86.1), Saiph (86.5) ζ Leporis (86.6)
Mula 16 17 (244) 18
December 15 16 (350) 17
Akleel 4 5 (214) 6
Kew Ho (268.6), η Pavonis (268.7), Apollyon (268.9), Muliphen (269.0), Basanismus (269.5) Pherkard (269.9), M7 (270.5) Rukbalgethi Genubi (271.1), ξ Herculis (271.5)

In contrast to the Dove of Light there was at the other end of the year the frigthening Dark Apollyon:

The composition can be compared with how Hevelius illustrates the battle between Spring Bull and Orion: