Then came Antares, the Heart of the Scorpion,
but not so according to the Chinese:
Arab |
Hindu |
Chinese |
Virginis (Spica) |
Oct 10
(283) |
Virginis (Spica) |
Oct 10
(283) |
Virginis (Spica) |
Oct 10
(283) |
(Syrma), κ, φ Virginis |
Oct 23
(296) |
α Bootis
(Arcturus) |
Oct 22
(295) |
Virginis |
Oct 22
(295) |
α (Zuben
Elgenubi), β Librae (Zuben Elschemali) |
Oct 31
(304) |
α, β, γ
and ι Librae |
Oct 31
(304) |
α Librae
(Zuben Elgenubi) |
Oct 31
(304) |
Nov 7
(311) |
(Acrab), δ (Dschubba), π Scorpii (Vrischika) |
Nov 17
(321) |
β, δ,
and π Scorpii |
Nov 17
(321) |
Scorpii (Vrischika) |
Nov 17
(321) |
Scorpii (Antares) |
Nov 25 (329) |
α, σ,
and τ Scorpii |
Nov 25 (329) |
Scorpii |
Nov 23
(327) |
(9) in November 25 implies 92 * 5 = 460 = 10 * (329-
283). |
Instead they evidently used σ Scorpii.
Egyptian tusk |
shin |
sigma |
Σ (σ, ς) |
Wikipedia: "Shin (also spelled
Šin (šīn) or Sheen)
literally means 'teeth, 'press', and
'sharp' ..."
The Mayan 'grasping hand' (Chikin) in
the west was also called
'the biting or eating of the Sun': ...
But in the final confirmation, we have
the direct evidence of the signs for
East and West. For the East we have the
glyph Ahau-Kin, the Lord Sun, the
Lord of Day; for the West we have
Manik-Kin, exactly corresponding to
the term Chikin, the biting or
eating of the Sun, seizing it in the
... |
The Greeks had a special variant
of lower case sigma at the end of the words,
ς. But in the star
charts the normal variant (σ) is used.
We have here an opportunity to see if the
creator of the C text may have used the Chinese system
instead of the Arab structure (whereas the Hindu system
could in principle also have relied on σ Scorpii as the
point of change).
1 |
Horn |
Virginis (Spica) |
Crocodile |
(202.7) |
Oct 10
(283) |
283 =
+ 18 |
2 |
Neck |
Virginis |
Dragon |
(214.8) |
Oct 22
(295) |
295 =
+ 12 |
3 |
Root |
α Librae
(Zuben Elgenubi) |
Badger |
(224.2) |
Oct 31
(304) |
304 =
+ 9 |
4 |
Room |
Scorpii (Vrischika) |
Hare |
(241.3) |
Nov 17
(321) |
321 =
+ 17 |
5 |
Heart |
Scorpii |
Fox |
(247.0) |
Nov 23
(327) |
327 =
+ 6 |
Possibly σ Scorpii served as a 'birth mark' because 247.0 = 236 (= 6
* 29½) + 11 ('one more'), meaning a new beginning. Perhaps heliacal
November 23 was a time of 'birth' and November 25 a
time of 'death'. But Antares was named Ana-mua, not
Between σ and Antares there were 5 days, which - together
with the appellation Ana-mua - could mean Antares
stood at the beginning and σ at the end.
Heart ought to mean 'central'.
Already with mago in Cb9-18 we
can perceive the Scorpion, because from the G tablet we know
how a variant of this glyph type probably referred to
Antares. There were (I think) no scorpions on Easter Island
and instead they may have used a shark showing his teeth:
November 20 |
21 (325) |
22 |
23 |
Cb9-18 (610) |
Cb9-19 |
Cb9-20 |
Cb9-21 |
e mago vaha ia |
te inoino |
kua huki te inoino |
tagata kua puo tona mea |
(243.5) |
Scorpii (244.6), Lesath (244.8), χ Scorpii
(245.1), Yed Prior, δ Tr. Austr. (245.5) |
star listed |
Heart-5 |
Marfik (243.7), φ Herculis (243.8) |
Posterior, Rukbalgethi Shemali (246.6). δ Apodis
(246.7), ο Scorpii (246.8),
SCORPII (247.0),
Hejian (247.2) |
May 21 |
22 |
23 |
24 (144) |
(60.9) |
Beid (62.2) |
Dabarān-2 |
Hyadum II (64.2) |
no star listed |
Vindemiatrix 507 |
HYADUM I (63.4) |
November 24 |
25 (329) |
26 |
27 |
28 |
Cb9-22 |
Cb9-23 (615) |
Cb9-24 |
Cb9-25 |
Cb9-26 |
Te inoino |
te hau tea |
te inoino |
tagata honui kua kake - ki
te manu |
e manu piri rua |
ψ Ophiuchi (247.7), ρ Ophiuchi (248.1),
Kajam (248.3), χ Ophiuchi (248.5) |
Al Kalb-16
/ T1 |
ω Ophiuchi (249.8), γ Apodis (250.1), σ
Herculis (250.3) |
θ Tr. Austr. (250.6),
τ Scorpii (250.7),
Han (251.0) |
ζ Herculis, η Tr. Austr. (252.1), η
Herculis, β Apodis (252.5) |
She Low, ι Tr. Austr. (248.7), ζ Tr. Austr.
ANTARES (249.1),
Marfik, φ Ophiuchi (249.5) |
May 25 |
26 |
27 |
28 (148) |
29 |
no star
listed |
Net-19 |
no star
listed |
Rohini-4 /
T2 |
no star
listed |
θ² Tauri,
θ¹ Tauri (65.7) |
Theemin (68.5 |
In November 23 Hyadum II was ideally
close to the Full Moon and the date when this star
rose with the Sun was May 24 (day number 144 = 12 *
12). According to my interpretation of the G text
this was at the end of side b:
Gb8-28 |
Gb8-29 |
Gb8-30 (472) |
Gb8-30 (1) |
4h (60.9) |
Beid (62.2) |
Hyadum I (63.4) |
Hyadum II (64.2) |
May 21 |
22 |
23 |
24 (144) |
The glyph type at Gb8-30 is puo
('hilled up', covered by earth) and at Cb9-21 Metoro
said tagata kua puo tona mea, possibly
meaning a person who has covered his '(red) thing'.