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Once again, the beginning of side b ought to describe an ordinary year because the previous leap year should end - in the well ordered calendar - with day 460 = April 4 (where maybe 16 * 4 = 64 = 8 * 8 rather than 4 * 4 = 16):

Saad Al Akhbia 11 (687) 12 (323)
April 3 (94) 4 (460)
*Ca14-16 *Ca14-17 (380)
te henua kiore - te henua
no stars listed
October 4 (277) 5
Azzubra 10 11 (142)
Vindemiatrix (196.8), ξ¹ Centauri (197.1) 13h (197.8)
ξ² Centauri (197.9), Apami-Atsa (198.5)

However, the counting at the end of side a could still be according to the leap year, with the Gregorian day numbers alluding to the end of the Sun year 100 days earlier - see for instance the empty head-gear in day 466 = 366 + 100.

But the glyph numbers of the text are to be counted from the March equinox, with e.g. night 384 (= 383½ + ½) where an empty gap evidently is visualized:

April 5 6 7 8 (464)
*Ca14-18 *Ca14-19 *Ca14-20 *Ca14-21 (384)
April 9 10 (466) 11 12
*Ca14-22 *Ca14-23 *Ca14-24 *Ca14-25
April 13 14 15 16 (472)
*Ca14-26 *Ca14-27 *Ca14-28 *Ca14-29 (392)

The last glyph on side a is a hand 'in the northeast' and this empty hand can be compared with the Inca banner above, where a pair of similar 3-fingered 'hands' (serpent mouths) are carrying a rainbow.

The single hand in *Ca14-29 is followed not by a rainbow but its opposite, a raa-raa type of glyph which probably is symbolizing a place of negation (absence) of Sun (Raa):

Side b
April 17 (107) 18 19
Cb1-1 (393) Cb1-2 Cb1-3

Number 393 at Cb1-1 was possibly intended to be equal to 193 + 200, as a kind of translation of the 'leap day' in July 12 when Castor rose with the Sun, the day after Antares had culminated:

Heka 1 2 3 4 (57)
July 9 10 11 (557) 12 (193)
Ca5-5 Ca5-6 (111) Ca5-7 Ca5-8
kua iri i te rakau ihe tamaiti erua mago
Wasat (109.8) Aludra (111.1) Gomeisa (111.6), ρ Gemini (112.1) Castor (113.4)
Antares (557)
Antares at the time of G:
Rising in the east at sunset  June 1 (152) 0 0
15 days from winter solstice July 6 (187) 35 35
Culmination at midnight July 11 (192) 5 40
'Leap day'

July 12 (193)

1 41
Heliacal rising November 25 (329) 136 177
Nakshatra day May 28 (148) 184 361