Line Ca4 is beginning with a picture of what probably illustrates the main stars of the Auriga constellation, with its 'leader' (α) Capella in the highest place. There are ca 52 days from Polaris to the bright Capella and there are 78.4 - 27.4 = 51 days from Sheratan (β Arietis) to Capella:
The 'black nut' at bottom in Ca4-1 possibly refers to the pair λ Eridani and Rigel (the last star in the River respectively the first star to rise in Orion). If so, then it maybe could be a sign of causal connection from this pair to 4 stars in Auriga (Mahashim, Menkalinan, Capella, and Almaaz). At Ca4-1 Metoro said kua tupu te rakau, 'the tree is growing'. This 'Tree' (rakau) is mentioned also 3 times later, and possibly it was regarded to begin with Rigel:
Counting from Rigel up to and including Betelgeuze there are 12 stars in Orion proper:
At the other end of the sky (rising heliacally 181 nights later) the stars in the Scorpion's tail were visible close to the full moon. The final star in the tail may have been regarded as Apollyon (ι) - like how Betelgeuze could have been regarded as the final star of Orion. In rongorongo times June 18 was characterized by several important stars rising heliacally (similar to the accumulation of stars in April 17):
It is hardly a coincidence that the extremely bright Canopus and Sirius both have powerfully drawn rakau glyphs - the Tree which was growing (tupu te rakau) could be easily seen in the night sky. A somewhat lesser rakau glyph in Ca4-13 could refer to Menkalinan (β Aurigae), the brightest of the stars close to 6h: ![]() And Metoro's tupu te rakau at Ca4-18 could point to the fact that the position of Sirius is hinted at in the date according to the manzil calendar. Albatain 11 is day 38 counted from the beginning of the manzil calendar (Sheratan 1) and counting from the beginning of the previous manzil year Albatain 11 is day number 365 + 38 = 403. This number is in G connected with Sirius, because its glyph 403 (counted from Gb8-30) corresponds to right ascension day 63 + 403 - 365 = 101:
The Tree (te rakau) is evidently connected with the trio of very bright stars growing in brightness from Capella:
Also Capella is depicted at the top in Ca4-1, but its RA position in rongorongo times (according to my estimate) corresponded to that of the following glyph. Maybe we should read the triplet Ca4-1--3 as a unit (similar to how the triplet Ca1-25 - Ca2-1 could be so regarded). At the rakau glyph Ca4-13 Metoro avoided mentioning te rakau. Menkalinan - the brightest of the stars rising heliacally in June 18 - possibly was not enough for Metoro (perhaps indicating a difference in opinion compared to that of the creator of the glyph text). The apparent brightness of Menkalinan, according to my star list, is 1.90. When Metoro said kua tuu tona mea - his (tona) 'thing' (mea) is standing erect (tuu) - at rakau in Ca4-13 there is a distinct possibility that he referred to the 'sexual intercourse' which since very ancient times characterized midsummer: "... Then I become aware of ... a presence - a faint, ghostly glimmering, like moonglow, that has appeared on the solstice stone. I don't know how long it lasts, a second or two only I would guess, but while it is there it seems less like a projection - which I know it to be - than something immanent within the stone itself. And it seems to function as a herald for it fades almost as soon as it has appeared and in its place the full effect snaps on - instantaneously. It wasn't there, and then it's there.
As Chris had described, the effect does curiously resemble a poleaxe, or a flag on a pole, and consists of a 'shaft', narrow at the base but widening a little towards the top, running up the left hand side of the solstice stone, surmounted by a right-facing 'head' or 'flag'. An instant later an almond-shaped spot of light, like an eye, appears a few centimeters to the right of the 'flag' and the effect is complete. Weirdly - I do not claim it has any significance - this flag-on-a-pole symbol is the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph neter, meaning 'god', or 'a god' - and not to be understood at all in the Judaeo-Christian usage of that word but rather as a reference to one of the supernatural powers or principles that guide and balance the universe. Manifested here, in this strange Stone Age temple, it glows, as though lit by inner fire." (Graham Hancock, Underworld, Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age.) Sirius happened to rise heliacally in the last day of June, and the last 4 glyphs in line Ca4 (corresponding to the first 4 days of July) will therefore be considered together with the glyphs in line Ca5: