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Heka is also in the Chinese list of stations, but not as number 5 but as number 20:

1 Horn α Virginis Crocodile
2 Neck κ Virginis Dragon
3 Root α² Librae Badger
16 Bond β Arietis Dog
17 Stomach 4¹ Arietis (?) Pheasant
18 Hairy Head η Tauri (?) Cockerel
19 Net ε Tauri Crow
20 Turtle λ Orionis Monkey
21 Three Stars ζ Orionis Gibbon
28 Chariot γ Corvi Worm

If each station should be counted as 1h, then the distance between the Hindu and the Chinese Heka stations would be 15h = ca 228 days. 228 = 12 * 19 and 364 - 228 = 136. However, there are 28 stations, not 24. And 15 / 28 * 365.25 = ca 196 days. 196 = 14 * 14 and 364 - 196 = 168 = 228 - 60 (= 196 - 136). January and February are together ca 60 days and in March comes the equinox, separating the old and the new years. South of the equator July and August could have had a similar meaning, with September as the month with the equinox of spring.

We can compare with the distances between Heka in G and Heka in C:

Az Zubana 9   10
December 7 8 (342)
Ca10-6 (261) Ca10-7 (*80)
Tupu te toromiro kua noho te vai
π Herculis (260.7), Ras Algethi (260.8), Sarin (261.0), ο Ophiuchi (261.4) ξ Ophiuchi (262.2), θ Ophiuchi, ν Serpentis (262.4)
June 8 9 (160)
Pleione 9 10
no star listed λ Leporis (79.6)
Az Zubana 11 12 (208) 13 Akleel 1 2
December 9 10 11 12 13
Ca10-8 Ca10-9 (264) Ca10-10 Ca10-11 Ca10-12
te moko te marama te kava manu rere te mauga tuu toga
ρ Herculis (262.9) σ Ophiuchi (263.6) Lesath (264.7), Alwaid, Maasym (265.1), Shaula (265.3) Kuma (265.6), Ras Alhague (266.1), Sargas (266.3), μ Ophiuchi (266.5) Nan Hae (266.6), ι Herculis (266.7)
June 10 11 12 13 14 (165)
Pleione 11 12 (26) 13 Albatain 1 2
Bellatrix, Saif al Jabbar (80.7), Elnath (80.9) Nihal (81.7), Mintaka (82.4)  ε Columbae (82.6), Arneb (83.0), Heka (83.2), Hatysa (83.5) Alnilam (83.7), Heavenly Gate (84.0) Alnitak, Phakt (Phaet), (84.7)
Ga1-15 Ga1-16 (*80) Ga1-17 Ga1-18 Ga1-19 (20)
 no star listed λ Leporis (79.6) Bellatrix, Saif al Jabbar (80.7), Elnath (80.9) Nihal (81.7), Mintaka (82.4)  ε Columbae (82.6), Arneb (83.0), Heka (83.2), Hatysa (83.5)
June 8 9 (160) 10 11 12 (528)
Pleione 9 10 11 12 (33) 13
Ga1-20 (21) Ga1-21
Alnilam (83.7), Heavenly Gate (84.0) Alnitak, Phakt (Phaet), (84.7)
June 13 14
Albatain 1 (400) 2

Instead of 2 + 5 = 7 glyphs the G text has (as I once perceived it) 5 + 2 = 7 glyphs. But now I can see that the dots in front could signify cardinal points and motivate the structure 2 + 3 + 2 = 7 in G to be compared with 1 + 6 = 7 in C.

In G the heliacal rising of λ Leporis (79.6) evidently coincided with RA day 80 (March 21). In C the nakshatra star λ Leporis corresponded to December 8 (which can be read as 10 * 8 = 80).

December 8 (342) - June 9 (160) = 182.

From the heliacal rising of Heka in G to the nakshatra view of Heka in C there are 345 (December 11) - 163 (June 12) = 182 days, half a year. But 163 + 365 = 528 (= 2 * 264) is maybe a better number, in which case the distance is 528 - 345 = 183 days, half a year.

Monkeys and gibbons live up in the trees. There is a pair of 'tree' stations in the Chinese structure.