Possibly the 30 days' distance from April 17 (with the heliacal rising of Sheratan) to May 17 (Sheratan 1) in some way could correspond to the 30 days' distance from December 1 to the end of the year:
If the Arabic manzil calendar had been designed with precisely 1 month's difference from the heliacal risings of its ruling stars to the beginning of their corresponding stations, then e.g. Az Zubana 3 (199) would have its ruling star 30 + 2 = 32 days earlier, in manzil day 199 - 32 = 167.
But the ruling star of Az Zubana was Acubens (α Cancri):
Denebakrab (μ Scorpii) means the Tail of the 'Crab'. The Arabic name for the Scorpion constellation is Al Akrab. Antares is the Heart of the 'Crab' (Kalb al Akrab). According to Hevelius Acubens is where its right claw is beginning (where my added red line is ending). The resemblance between the terms Akrab and Crab and the corresponding resemblance between the creatures is probably no coincidence. Denebakrab is at the 'break' (discontinuity) in the scorpion's tail, below the right foot of the Serpent Carrier, who with his left foot is climbing on the shell of the Scorpion in a way which resembles how Bootes is climbing on the Mountain with his right foot:
Bootes carries a club and he is moving up and forward, whereas the Serpent Carrier is moving up in the opposite direction, withershins. From Acubens to Denebacrab there are 254.7 - 135.0 = ca 120 days. From August 3 to December 1 there are 335 - 215 = 120 days. Manzil day 350 (Al Muakhar 13 = May 1) is 50 weeks from May 17 and 183 days later than manzil day 167 (Auva 10). May 16 (136) is 50 weeks later than May 31 (151). To defy gravity it is necessary to climb. |