There are 91 - 80 = 11 days from the March 21 equinox to Gregorian day 91 (April 1):
80 is a number which cannot be divided into weeks. 80 = 11 weeks + 3 days. The Arabic manzil (moon) calendar is not beginning at equinox but with May 17 (137):
Almuqaddam 1 corresponds to April 6 and Antares rules Qalb al Akraab which has only 9 nights. The last night of Antares is January 2 and the following Shaula manzil is beginning 368 - 355 = 13 days after the December solstice. Number 13 ought to have a role to play also in line Ca1, and first we have April 13 to consider:
At Ca1-23--24 Metoro for once was silent, but the little light reflected from Moon in Ca1-23 suggests the beginning of a Moon calendar. South of the equator the early face of growing Moon is like that in Ca1-23, while north of the equator it represents the last phase of waning Moon. South of the equator growing Moon has a face open in front, concave, which sign in rongorongo probably implies 'light in front'. 104 = 8 * 13, and the bird with a great hook on his beak could represent the last day in a 'manzil' beginning with Rei in April 1. But there are 7 * 13 = 91 days in the first quarter of the solar year and therefore the 8th 'manzil' could instead begin with April 2:
The Arabic lunar manzil Almuqaddam is beginning 4 days later than April 2:
April 13 can be read as 4-13 and 413 = 14 * 29½ (or better 413 = 7 * 59 because 7 + 13 = 20). But then the structure could be: