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Neither M44 nor M67 are in my star list as yet.

Al Tarf 08h16m30.95s 08h16.516m


M44 08h40.4m 08h40.4m 131.4
M67 08h51.4m 08h51.4m 134.1
Beehive Cluster M44 3.7 19° 59′ N 08h38m 131.4
  M67 6.1 11° 49′ N 08h49m 134.1

"Under dark skies the Beehive Cluster looks like a nebulous object to the naked eye; thus it has been known since ancient times. The classical astronomer Ptolemy called it 'the nebulous mass in the breast of Cancer', and it was among the first objects that Galileo studied with his telescope." (Wikipedia)

They are both open star clusters and as such not very interesting to look at, for instance the Beehive Cluster: