With the King making landfall
after 300 days counted from January 1 = Tua Haro
1, and given no leap day in this interval, it
seems reasonable to assume the Moon Queen would
have threatened to come ashore for instance
after 290 or 295 nights.
From our
experience of the Mamari (C) text we can assume the Queen
would have landed at Tagaroa Uri 17 (290), because side b of the
C-tablet has 348 = 12 * 29 glyphs. Furthermore, the Tahua (A)
tablet carries 20 * 29 + 26 * 29 = 1334 glyphs.
Close to
the Full Moon in Tagaroa Uri 17 was the First Point of Aries, the
lunar station Al Sharatain:
Ga6-6 |
Ga6-7 |
Ga6-8 (148) |
Muphrid (210.1), ζ Centauri (210.3) |
φ Centauri (211.0), υ¹ Centauri (211.1), υ²
Centauri (211.8), τ Virginis (211.9) |
Agena (212.1), θ Apodis (212.5), Thuban
(212.8) |
Tagaroa Uri 17 (290) |
18 |
19 |
ºOctober 13 |
14 |
15 (288) |
'September 20 (*183) |
21 (264) |
'Equinox (*185 + 80) |
"September 6 |
7 (250) |
8 (*171) |
Al Sharatain-1 /
Ashvini-1 /
Bond-16 |
ι Arietis
(28.0), λ Arietis (28.2) |
Alrisha, χ
Phoenicis (29.2), Alamak (29.7) |
Mesarthim, ψ
Phoenicis (27.2),
SHERATAN, φ Phoenicis (27.4) |
Vaitu Nui 17 (107) |
18 (474 = 108 +
366) |
19 |
ºApril 14 |
15 (104 = 59 + 46) |
16 (*25) |
'Equinox (80 = 59 + 21) |
22 (*367) |
23 (448 = 366 + 82) |
"March 7 (432 = 66 + 366) |
8 (67 = 59 + 22) |
9 (*354) |
Ga6-9 |
Ga6-10 (150) |
Ga6-11 |
14h (213.1) |
Neck-2 |
Al Ghafr-13 /
π Hydrae, χ Centauri (213.0), Menkent
(213.1) |
Asellus Tertius,
14 Bootis (214.8) |
15 Bootis (215.2),
(215.4), Asellus Secundus (215.5),
λ Bootis (215.6), η Apodis (215.8) |
Tagaroa Uri 20 |
21 |
22 (295) |
ºOctober 16 |
17 (290) |
18 |
'September 23 (266) |
24 |
25 (*188) |
"September 9 (*172) |
10 |
11 (254) |
2h (30.4) |
η Arietis
(31.9) |
no star
listed (32) |
κ Arietis
(30.3), Hamal (30.5)
Vaitu Nui 20 |
21 (111) |
22 |
ºApril 17 |
18 (107) |
19 (*28) |
'March 24 |
25 (84) |
26 (*5) |
"March 10 (*355) |
11 (436) |
12 (71 = 31 + 28 + 11) |
Ga6-12 |
Ga6-13 |
Ga6-14 |
Ga6-15 |
Ga6-16 (156) |
ι Lupi, 18 Bootis (216.3), Khambalia
(216.4), υ Virginis (216.5), ψ Centauri
(216.6), ε Apodis (216.8) |
Asellus Primus (217.8) |
τ Lupi (218.1), φ Virginis (218.7)
σ Lupi (219.1), ρ Bootis (219.5), Haris
(219.7) |
σ Bootis (220.2), η Centauri (220.4) |
Tagaroa Uri 23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 (300) |
ºOct 19 (292) |
20 |
21 (*214) |
22 |
23 |
'September 26 |
27 (270) |
28 |
29 |
30 (*193) |
"September 12 |
13 (256) |
14 (*177) |
15 |
16 |
θ Arietis
(33.3), Mira (33.7) |
no star
listed (34) |
ξ Arietis
(35.0) |
no star
listed (36) |
no star
listed (37) |
Vaitu Nui 23 |
24 |
25 |
26 (116) |
27 |
ºApril 20 |
21 (*30) |
22 (111) |
23 |
24 |
'March 27 |
28 |
29 (88) |
30 |
31 (*10) |
"March 13 |
14 |
15 (*360) |
16 |
17 (76) |
Maybe the
Sun King needed 10 helpers for delaying the Queen - one for each day
up to and including Tagaroa Uri 26 (299). The synodic cycle of
Jupiter is 399 days and if the year was beginning 100 days before
January 1, then Tagaroa Uri 26 would be day 399. April 10 is day 100
and day 265 is September 22.
Honga came and gazed in the direction below (i.e., toward the
west). He called out to the noteworthy ruler (? ariki motongi)
Hotu: 'There is the canoe of the queen! It will be the first
one to land!' At this news King Hotu replied to Honga,
'Recite (rutu) ('powerful incantations') as though the ten
brothers of the chief (ariki maahu) were one whole (?).'
The ten
recited with all their might. This is what they recited: 'Let all
movement (? konekone) cease!' They recited and sailed on
swiftly: Honga, Te Kena, Nuku Kehu, Nga
Vavai, Oti, Tive (corrected for 'Sive'),
Ngehu, Hatu, Tuki, and Pu (corrected for 'Bu').
He worked
mana in the fishing grounds. (Naming of two fishing grounds.)
The pair of
'fishing grounds' where mana had to be worked could have
corresponded to 5 days each:
1st Fishing
Ground: |
290 - 294 |
Te Kena, Nuku Kehu, Nga Vavai,
Oti. |
2nd Fishing
Ground: |
295 - 299 |
(corrected for 'Sive'), Ngehu, Hatu,
Tuki, and Pu (corrected for 'Bu'). |
Pu alluded to the month Tehetu'upú ('February').
the first month of the Moriori year, was named Rongo (Lono).
On the first of the new year the Moriori launched a small
canoe to Rongo, although they built and used only rude craft
for their fishing excursions. The canoe was manned by twelve figures
symbolizing the personifications of the twelve months. Sometimes
twenty-four figures were placed in the canoe, and Skinner interprets
the additional twelve as representing the female counterparts of the
months. As an old Maori once remarked. 'Everything has its female
... A curious diversion
appears in the month list of the people of Porapora and
Moorea in the Society Islands, which sheds light on the custom
of the Moriori who sometimes placed 24 figures in the canoe
which they dispatched seaward to the god Rongo on new years
day. The names of the wives of the months are included, indicating
that other Polynesians besides the Chatham Islanders personified the
months ...
rongorongo times heliacal 14h was probably at Tagaroa Uri 20,
because in the times of Al Sharatain the stars rose 27 days
earlier (293 - 27 = 266):
'March 24 |
Bluemarked stars
are noted with their RA days in rongorongo times. (Both C
and G below).
Blackmarked stars are
given with their nakshatra days = heliacal RA days ± 183. |
'September 23
(266) |
April 20 (110) |
October 20 (293) |
Cb1-4 (396) |
Ga6-9 (149) |
ki te henua
- te maro |
14h (213.1) |
2h (30.4) |
κ Arietis (30.3), Hamal (30.5)
π Hydrae, χ
Centauri (213.0), Menkent (213.1) |
14h (213.1) |
Tagaroa Uri 20
(293) |
χ Centauri
(213.0), Menkent (213.1) |
ºOctober 16
(289) |
Writing about C
I had not yet realized that the creator of the text had
followed the stars in their precessional advance forward in
the solar year - instead of follwoing the Sun in his
precessional advance earlier in the star year.
Therefore I had
not found any reason to use the Easter Island names.
October 20 (293)
above corresponds to Tagaroa Uri 20 (293) and to the
Gregorian date ºOctober 16 (289), with the 4 days'
difference in the day number due to the effects of the
precession from the time of Gregorius XIII to rongorongo
times. |
'September 23
(266) |
"September 9
(*172) |
2h (30.4) |
κ Arietis (30.3), Hamal (30.5)
Vaitu Nui 20
(110) |
ºApril 17 (106) |
'March 24 (83) |
"March 10 (*355) |