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I decided to change the structure for my investigations. Up to now I have used my EL-pages in order to copy and comment on what I have written under the headline of 'G text reviewed', at the same time though changing the format of these pages to better suit printing out in portrait format instead of in landscape. I.e. my EL-pages have primarily been used for the purpose of documentation in Word-format.

From Gb4 - under the headline of G text reviewed - I will no longer copy pages to the EARTH LION (EL) pages. I will instead copy them precisely as they are to Word-format, without any additional comments.

My star (*) pages under the Earth Lion headline will therefore from now on come as additions to the 'G text reviewed' pages.

What will then be the purpose of the EL-pages ahead? Maybe to discuss ideas outside the ordinary flow of pages in 'G text reviewed'.

For example:

136 (May 16) equals in number 236 (= 6 * 29½ = 472 / 2) - 100. Counting 100 days backwards from January 1 leads to day number 265 (= 365 - 100) which is September 22, the day of equinox.

472 (the number of day positions of the G tablet) could therefore have been used to twice document the time between the current northern autumn equinox and spring equinox according to a Pleiades calendar:

September 22 99 December 31 79 March 21 55 May 16
265 365 80 (445) 136 (501)
100 136
236 = 6 * 29½

Instead of a northern winter from September 22 to March 21 (= 180 days) there could be a southern summer from September 22 to May 16 (= 236 nights).

236 - 180 = 56 (8 weeks). From heliacal Tau-ono to the beginning of side a of the G tablet there may have been 8 'dark' nights. 8 + 56 = 64.

How should I document this and similar future EL-pages? Reasonably by allowing them to be copied to the 'G text reviewed' pages at suitable places.