In K the last kiore+henua coincides with 'November 1, but in G the date is 18 days later :
Kb4-10 |
Kb4-11 |
Kb4-12 (157) |
Kb4-13 |
Kb4-14 (*225) |
ρ Lupi (221.0), Toliman (221.2 |
π Bootis (221.8), ζ Bootis (221.9), Yang Mun (222.1) |
Rijl al Awwa (222.5), ο Bootis (222.9), Izar (223.0), 109 Virginis (223.3) |
Zuben Elgenubi (224.2) |
ξ Bootis, ο Lupi (224.5), Kochab (225.0) |
'October 28 |
'29 |
'30 |
'31 (304) |
'November 1 |
Auva 8 |
9 |
10 |
11 (168) |
12 |
Ga7-5 |
Ga7-6 |
Ga7-7 (177) |
Ga7-8 |
Ga7-9 |
Ga7-10 |
ψ² Lupi (237.5), γ Cor. Borealis (237.7), Unuk Elhaia (237.9), π Cor. Borealis, Cor Serpentis (238.1) |
Chow (238.6), κ Serpentis (239.3) |
δ Cor. Borealis, Tiānrǔ (239.5), χ Lupi, (239.6), ω Serpentis (239.7), Ba, χ Herculis (239.8). κ Cor. Borealis, ρ Serpentis (239.9) |
ρ Scorpii (240.8), ξ Lupi, λ Cor. Borealis (241.1), Zheng (241.2), Vrischika (241.3) |
ε Cor. Borealis (241.5), Dschubba (241.7), η Lupi (241.9), υ Herculis (242.3), ρ Cor. Borealis (242.4) |
ι Cor. Borealis (242.5), ξ Scorpii (242.7), Acrab, Jabhat al Akrab (243.3) |
'November 14 |
'15 |
'16 |
'17 |
'18 (322) |
'19 |
12 |
Simak 13 |
Syrma 1 (184) |
2 |
3 |
4 |
The open hand in front in Kb4-13 corresponds to a separate glyph in G, which explains 1 of these 18 days.
Counting from Spica could be helpful, but how?
20 |
Kb3-7 (136) |
Kb3-8 |
Kb4-13 (158) |
Kb4-14 |
Mizar (202.4) |
Spica, Alcor (202.7) |
Zuben Elgenubi (224.2) |
ξ Bootis, ο Lupi (224.5), Kochab (225.0) |
'October 9 (282) |
'10 |
20 |
'31 (304) |
'November 1 |
Assarfa 2 (146) |
3 |
Auva 11 (168) |
12 |
By adding manzil day numbers, 146 + 168 = 314, we can find Kb4-12, because its glyph number is 314 / 2. The parallel henua ora in Ga7-7 clearly is intended to reflect number 177 (= 6 * 29½). The measure is half a cycle both in G and in K. These half cycles are beginning with Gb8-30 respectively with Ka1-1.
Beyond what I assume is the end of the henua calendar the glyphs in K continue to be in parallel with those in G:
Kb4-15 (160) |
Kb4-16 |
Kb4-17 |
Kb4-18 (*229) |
Ke Kwan (226.3), Ke Kwan (226.4) |
Zuben Elakribi (226.8), Nekkar (227.3) |
π Lupi (227.9), Zuben Hakrabim (228.3) |
λ Lupi (228.9) |
'November 2 |
'3 |
'4 (308) |
'5 |
Auva 13 (170) |
Simak 1 |
2 |
3 |
Ga7-11 (181) |
Ga7-12 |
Ga7-13 (*246) |
Ga7-14 |
θ Lupi, Rutilicus (243.5), Marfik (243.7), φ Herculis (243.8) |
ψ Scorpii (244.6), Lesath (244.8), χ Scorpii (245.1) |
Yed Prior (245.5) |
Yed Posterior, Rukbalgethi Shemali (246.6). ο Scorpii (246.8), σ Scorpii (247.0), Hejian (247.2) |
'16h (243.5) |
'November 21 |
'22 (326) |
'23 |
Syrma 5 (188) |
6 |
7 |
8 |
But the stars and dates continue to be different. Possibly the glyph types have to follow a certain common order and then the sequence of stars determining time can be 'pasted' on to the glyphs by applying various signs. In Ga7-13 the winter solstice month (north of the equator) could motivate the hatchmarks across henua in front. 355 - 326 = 29. In Kb4-18 there are 2 'sails' at left, not 3 as in Ga7-14. If we count 3 months backwards from November 23 (327) we will arrive at day 327 - 91 = 236 (August 24), where the first 100 days of the manzil calendar are ending:
Ga4-8 |
Ga4-9 (*156) |
Ga4-10 |
Adhafera, Tania Borealis (154.7) |
Algieba (155.5), Tania Australis (156.0) |
μ Hydrae (157.1) |
'August 23 |
'24 (236) |
'25 |
An Nathra 7 |
8 (100) |
9 |
In Ga7-13 the face (mata) of the figure at left (in the past) is in full view, contrasting with the dark henua sign in front. In Kb4-17, on the other hand, the face of the figure in the past is covered by a mea ke sign (a 'black cloth') and in front there is an irregular oval which possibly refers to the pair of mama in Kb1-4--5:
Kb1-1 |
Kb1-2 (*160) |
Kb1-3 (95) |
Kb1-4 |
Kb1-5 |
Kb1-6 |
Shir (158.9) |
φ Hydrae (160.3) |
ν Hydrae (163.1) |
'August 27 |
'28 (240) |
'29 |
'30 |
'31 |
'September 1 |
An Nathra 11 |
12 |
13 (105) |
Alterf 1 |
2 |
3 |
The pair of mama glyphs could correspond to the pair of ovals in Kb4-17--18, arriving 66 days later.
On the other hand, there is a reversal between Kb4-8 and Kb4-17:
Kb4-6 |
Kb4-7 (152) |
Kb4-8 |
Kb4-9 |
υ Virginis (216.5), ψ Centauri (216.6) |
Asellus Primus (217.8), τ Lupi (218.1) |
φ Virginis (218.7), σ Lupi (219.1) |
ρ Bootis (219.5), Haris (219.7). σ Bootis (220.2), η Centauri (220.4) |
'October 24 |
'25 |
'26 |
'27 (300) |
Auva 4 |
5 |
6 |
7 (164) |
5 |
Kb4-15 (160) |
Kb4-16 |
Kb4-17 |
Kb4-18 (*229) |
Ke Kwan (226.3), Ke Kwan (226.4) |
Zuben Elakribi (226.8), Nekkar (227.3) |
π Lupi (227.9), Zuben Hakrabim (228.3) |
λ Lupi (228.9) |
5 |
'November 2 |
'3 |
'4 (308) |
'5 |
Auva 13 (170) |
Simak 1 |
2 |
3 |
In Kb4-17 the 'shield' in front has marks inside which presumably are telling about light increasing in front center. It is the same type of sign as in Kb2-2, though used in another fashion:
Kb2-1 |
Kb2-2 (*180) |
Kb2-3 |
Kb2-4 (116) |
Alaraph (178.6), Phekda, β Hydrae (179.3) |
η Crateris (179.9) |
π Virginis (181.0) |
ο Virginis (182.1) |
'September 16 |
'17 (260) |
'18 |
'19 |
Dschuba 5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
In Kb2-2 the straight and ordered henua has at the top a sign which could mean light is increasing in front. In the irregular oval, however, the light at the top end seem to be decreasing. Therefore it could be the light from Moon which is increasing in front.
There are 48 days from Kb2-2 to Kb4-17.